Common Roof Problems- Phoenix, AZ

For homeowners who live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, know how brutal the summertime can be for us and our homes. Not only is the sun and heat causing us to almost pass out, but our roofs also endure some intense weather day in and day out that can create damage. Though we are known for our dry heat, Arizona has other weather conditions that create havoc for us homeowners. In this blog, we will go over the common roof problems we experience and solutions to ensure your roof remains sturdy and durable all year long.


Overtime, the harsh Arizona sun can be very brutal on our roofs. The roofing materials are deteriorating day by day being exposed to extreme temperatures and harmful UV rays. Asphalt shingles can crack, warp, or lose their granules due to the harsh outside heat.

With routine inspections, you will see signs of heat damage and have the opportunity to fix it before it becomes a bigger problem. If you’re in the market to replace your asphalt roof, consider using heat resistant materials such as tiles or metal. Or, your roofing contractor can apply a reflective roof coating to reduce the amount of heat being absorbed.


We love our monsoon seasons! Heavy rainfall, intense winds, and sometimes hail is exciting to us… like we don’t see it every year. Though it’s fun to watch, our roofs can suffer from structural damage and water leaks.

Prevent water from gathering on your roof by ensuring their is proper drainage. Routinely remove dirt and debris from the gutters and downspouts. Check for loose and damaged tiles or shingles.

Expand and Contract

During the heat of the day, the roof materials will expand while at night, they contract. This thermal shock overtime, causes the materials to lose it’s durability and break.

When replacing your roof, ask for materials that pose less of a thermal shock phenomenon. If you’re not replacing, routine inspections can assist in detecting early signs of damage. Having proper attic insulation can also minimize the effects of thermal shock.

Dust & Debris

We live in a state full of desert. The dust and debris buildup on your roof potentially blocking drains and gutters. When the water has no where to go but to stay sitting on your roof, this can lead to leaks.

Regularly inspect and clean your roof. Debris such as sticks, leaves, branches and dust can accumulate.

Harmful UV Rays

Excessive UV ray exposure breaks down roofing materials causing them to be brittle and lose their durability. This can result in leaks and decreased lifespan.

If it’s too late to choose UV-friendly roofing materials, apply a UV-protectant coating. Don’t skip out on routine maintenance as this can catch early signs of deteriorating roofing materials.


With every roof, comes a roofer who installed it. If your roof wasn’t properly installed by a knowledgeable, experienced, and licensed roofer, this can create issues like leaks and worst of all, collapse.

Find an honest and experienced roofer in your area. They will use the correct skills and materials to meet yours and your roofs standards.


In extremely hot climates, it is imperative to have proper roof and attic ventilation. Without proper ventilation, the increased heat under your roof can cause materials to deteriorate at a faster rate.

Be sure your attic is properly insulated and their is adequate ventilation allowing the hot air to escape.

Animals & Insects

Animals and insects create havoc to our roof with their nesting, chewing, and burrowing.

Yearly inspections aid in spotting early signs of rodent or pest damage. If this is the case, hire someone to get rid of these animals or insects.

When you proactively schedule your yearly inspections and address any concerns, you’re already farther ahead than your average homeowner who doesn’t pay attention to the roof over their head. If you need a trusted roofing contractor, Almeida Roofing Inc. is here to save the day! Our experts will inspect and document any findings to go over with you with options provided. For any questions or to schedule your per-summer roof inspection, call 602-743-3175.

Can the sun damage my roof?  

It’s no surprise that Arizona is on the top 10 list of hottest states. The summer days are sunny, hot, and long! During those 117+ degree days, all you want to do is jump in your cool pool but unfortunately, it ends up being a giant bathtub full of warm water.  

Normally by this time, we get a little break from the monsoon rain, but it’s been lacking this year. Everybody and all things have been impacted by the increased temperatures and reduced amount of moisture. This includes your roof no matter what type of material it’s composed of. 

Your roof is about 50 degrees hotter than the outside temperature. That means when it’s 117 degrees outside, your roof is roughly sitting at 167 degrees! These brutally high temperatures cause the roofing material to break down creating a higher chance of damage. For example, a lot of Arizona homeowners have asphalt shingles that will eventually develop into loose and brittle shingles. When they become so weak, even a medium-sized tree branch falling and landing on your roof can mean extensive damage. I’m not saying it’s bound to happen to your roof, but the likelihood is there.  

What can you do to avoid it? To be fair, you can’t avoid what Mother Nature has to offer. However, what you can do is be proactive in getting your roof inspections done annually. With a roof inspection done by an expert every year, you can know the condition of the roofing materials and take care of any necessary repairs.  

Don’t have a trusted roofing expert in your contact list? Now you do! Give Almeida Roofing Inc. a call at 602-743-3175. 

Monsoon Season & Your Roof 

This summer has been a slow one this year, but we know, the rain, strong winds, and lightning are just around the corner. Have you prepped your roof for monsoon season yet? 

How can I prep my roof for the monsoon season? 

Clean Gutters- During monsoon season, we get A LOT of rain. It is crucial your gutters are clear of any debris so the water can drain properly. Without proper drainage, the water will create a pool on your roof resulting in costly damage.   

Trim Trees- You’ll either want to get out the trimmer or call a landscaper to cut any overhanging branches. The strong winds can easily cause any branches to break off and come crashing down on your roof. Falling branches can cause serious damage resulting in costly repairs that no one wants to pay for. 

Scan all openings- Over time, areas around openings in the roof fail. The flashings are one of the materials that need replacing. A flashing is a thin metal material that roofers use to direct water away from certain areas in the roof. They’re typically installed to surround features like vents, chimneys, and skylights. 

Schedule a professional roof inspection- To get the most accurate status of the condition of your roof, find a roofing contractor you can trust and schedule an inspection. They’ll be able to fully inspect the roof, provide options, and repair or replace it if needed.  

Ensure you’re protecting you and your family by taking care of your roof. With Almeida Roofing Inc., you can bet we will demonstrate the care your roof needs. Our experts are ready to get your roof monsoon ready. Call today! 602-743-3175  

Roof Damage After a Storm 

What a weird couple of weeks it has been with all this rain! Homeowners in Phoenix, Arizona is used to seeing most of the rain activity during monsoon season in the summer months. These storms aren’t just bringing more rain… the wind and hail too! We haven’t had hail in what seems like years! Maybe it’s time to check on your roof… Just think about taking the brunt of all the force your roof is withstanding as it protects you!  

Mother nature sure is beautiful when she pours from the skies but does cause some issues to our roofs. Rain damage is the most common and noticeable roof damage. As your roof weakens and storms continuously beat on it, the material weakens and the shingles start lifting. When this happens, water seeps into the holes and cracks with nowhere to drain… The moisture eventually begins to cause even more damage and can even create problems inside the home.  

Storms in Arizona can be dangerous when the intense winds roll in. We see trampolines flying from backyard to backyard, a wall of dust coming straight at us, and our freshly washed car getting smacked with that wall of dust. What we don’t see is that shingle starting to lift up, completely come off, and fly away! You could be missing many pieces of your roof and you wouldn’t even know unless you checked. This brings us back to water damage because the rain, hail, and occasional snowfall can sit right where your shingles and other roofing materials are supposed to be! 

Hail seems to be showing up more and more out of the blue. These balls of ice range from all different sizes. Some are as small as a pea while others can be as big as a soccer ball! No matter how big or how small, ice hitting your roof does damage. It may not be right away but overtime hail can breakdown the roofs material, creating issues in the future.  

After any storm, you should check your roof or call for an inspection. Almeida Roofing is a professional roofing contractor who services the Phoenix, Arizona area. We can inspect your roof and tell you how well it held up after last week’s storm or give you options if it needs further attention. Take care of your roof by calling the roofing professionals at 602-743-3175. 

New Year, New Roof! 

Can you believe it’s already 2023?! This new year brings us the opportunity to make a change and start fresh. What is your New Year’s resolution? Maybe you want to change your outlook on life and be more positive. Or focus more on your health like eating healthier and exercising more. Maybe it’s something around the house you want to take care of. It could be finally cleaning the garage out or updating the paint color on the walls. But what about your roof? Have you thought about the sturdiness of it? Maybe instead of all the little small things around the house, check on your roof instead. 

With all the storms we get during the monsoon season, who knows what your roof looks like up there! What if a giant branch fell on top of your roof while you were at work on a stormy day and you never even realized it was there? Bring in the New Year right and get an inspection done by Almeida Roofing! We will ensure your roofs sturdiness and if replacement is necessary, we will go over options with you. Even if your roof is in good shape and you want us to replace it anyways, no problem! Almeida Roofing is here for all your roof replacement needs. Contact us to schedule an inspection at 602-743-3175

Can rain damage my roof? 

Being a homeowner means all the repairs and upgrades are our responsibility. We no longer have the luxury of calling the maintenance guy or property management company to fix the leaky sink and not have to pay a dime. When damages occur and repairs need to be done on our home, we are never ready or excited about it. This is especially true during the rainy season and what a recent surprise of constant rain we just got. With all this extra rain, what damages could happen to our roofs?  

We tend to get a lot of rain during the monsoon season in the summer but sometimes we get surprised with it in the winter months too. But whether it’s July or December, heavy rainfall can do damage to the shingles. Routinely check the stability of the shingles and ensure there are no cracks especially after a storm.  

With trapped moisture and sitting water comes mold. Normally we struggle to deal with mold in our kitchens and bathrooms but the tops of our houses are easily overlooked. Expansion of materials, mildew, and wood rot occurs when the mold grows in the cracks on your roof. We suggest getting a roof inspection done if you have mold concerns.  

If your gutters are clogged, it’ll become problematic during heavy rainfall because the water will end up sitting on your roof rather than draining. Gutters that aren’t maintained and cleared routinely could cause costly repairs in the future. Stay ahead of the game by keeping up with clearing your gutters.  

Frozen water damage can occur during the winter months when we randomly get heavy rainfall. Water that sits and freezes in the cracks of the roof causes the building material to expand. When you go to do roof repairs, this expansion makes it difficult to repair verses if it was a smaller crack. Some repairs may be too big and you could end up buying a new roof instead.  

Almeida Roofing recommends you take a look at your roof after this consistent rainfall we just had. If you’d like one of our professionals to do an inspection for you, we’re more than happy to help! We will complete our inspection, report back to you, and give you any repair or replacement recommendations if deemed necessary. Almeida Roofing looks forward to servicing you! 

Shingle Roofs In Arizona – Pros & Cons

Shingle roofs are commonly seen on Arizona homes… Why? With temperatures fluctuating day & night and the crazy monsoon storms during the summer, we need a roof that can handle the conditions Arizona has to offer. Our homes must have durable roofs that can withstand the unpredictable climate variations. Here is a quick review of the pros and cons of using shingle roofs.


  • Versatility – Shingle roofs can be made of materials like asphalt fiberglass, wooden shingles, metal, slate, tile etc. 
  • Inexpensive – Shingles are one of the most inexpensive roofing options. Material used for shingles have different costs so you have various options to choose from that works best for you.
  • Easy Installation and Maintenance – Arizona roofing companies can easily and proficiently install shingle roofs. Regular maintenance is recommended to keep shingles clean and safe. 
  • Fire Resistant – Shingles are fairly fire-resistant. Asphalt shingles can last 2 hours before catching fire unlike wooden shingles. Asphalt fiberglass shingles are the most fire-resistant among all other types of shingles.
  • Easily Available – Shingles are easily found everywhere and anywhere. Available in different shapes types and colors too!


  • Lifespan – Metal and slate shingles are durable up to 50 years, but few shingles like asphalt, tile and wood are decreased to 30-35 years in life expectancy.
  • Regular Inspection Required – Although the roof maintenance and repair is easy, regular inspection is required to avoid any damage.
  • Vulnerable to Mildew – Improper roof installation, ventilation and leaks can lead to mold, mildew, and fungi.

People choose shingle roofs over other roofing types as it’s inexpensive, durable, and easily available in Arizona.

Asphalt Roof Installation is done by the professional roofing expert, Almeida Roofing. To learn more and get a quote, give us a call! 602-743-3175

Arizona Monsoon Season Is Here!

The Arizona monsoon storms can be exciting, scary, pretty and also costly.

When you need a roofing repair, don’t procrastinate – roofing problems usually get worse over time. Call us today to get a free estimate on fixing it now – 602-743-3175

Several cities in the Phoenix and surrounding areas suffered damage to roofs and other structures already this Monsoon 2022 season, and this season is just getting started. There has been reports of multiple power outages, lots of roof damage and even a completely flattened mobile home!

Below are some tips to stay safe during this Monsoon 2022:

(The below tips from:  Arizona Fire & Medical Authority ( website)

The Arizona Fire & Medical Authority gives these tips on safety during and after storms, no matter where you are at:


Lightning is attracted to metal and water, and tends to strike the highest or tallest objects. YOU ARE IN A STRIKE ZONE IF YOU HEAR THUNDER FIVE SECONDS OR LESS AFTER YOU SEE LIGHTNING! 

  • Avoid wide, open areas such as fields and golf courses. 
  • Stay off hilltops and other high points of land. 
  • Don’t stand near trees or tall poles 
  • Get at least 7 feet away from tall objects 
  • Avoid metal objects such as golf carts and clubs, lawn mowers and pipes. 
  • Get to the lowest point of ground you can, and kneel or squat to minimize your contact points with the ground. 
  • Do not lie flat. This will make you a bigger target. 
  • Don’t huddle with others. Spread out at least 15 feet apart. 
  • Remove golf shoes or steel-toed boots. 
  • If you’re out on the water, get to land. 
  • If you’re in a pool, get out.

Downed Power Lines

  • Stay at least 100 feet away. 
  • If the power line has fallen on your car while you’re in it, don’t touch anything metal in the car, and stay inside until professional help arrives. 
  • Never try to help someone trapped by a power line. You endanger your own safety. Instead, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Indoor Safety

  • Stay away from windows during strong winds. Tree limbs and other wind-borne objects can be a hazard. 
  • Electrical wiring attracts lightning. Avoid using the telephone, except for emergencies. 
  • Lighting can move through a home’s plumbing, attracted to the metal or water. Avoid using sinks and showers. 
  • Disconnect computers, TVs and other delicate electronic equipment. Consider attaching surge protectors to such equipment.

Driving Safety

In Dust:

  • Don’t enter a dust storm if you can avoid it. 
  • Turn headlights on and slow to a prudent speed.
  • If you pull off the road, get as far to the right as possible. Turn off the car and headlights, and set the parking brake. Keep your foot off the brake pedal because other drivers may think you’re a car in motion. 

In Rain:

  • Rain reduces traction and causes tires to hydroplane. Slow your speed accordingly. 
  • Water on roads may be deeper than it looks. Watch for vehicles travelling too fast. They can throw up blinding sheets of water. 
  • Don’t cross rain-swollen washes. You can be caught in a flash flood that can sweep your vehicle and its contents away. 
  • Pay attention to hazard signs and roadblocks. Ignoring them threatens life and property, and can result in enforcement action by police. 

Stuck in a wash: 

Control of a vehicle is lost in 6 inches of water. Most vehicles will begin to float in 2 feet of water. 

– If you have a phone, call 911. Our firefighters are equipped and trained on swift water rescues.

– If you can, climb onto the roof and wait to be rescued. 

– If the water is still low and you can wade to safety, do so, but beware of floating debris. 

Additional Monsoon and Dust Storm Information

When you need a roofing repair, don’t procrastinate – roofing problems usually get worse over time. Call us today to get a free estimate on fixing it now – 602-743-3175

Roofing repair that you can count on is something that can really help to rest your mind at ease. As a home owner, it’s important to develop relationships with the contractors that can make your life easier.

We can handle your roofing repair professionally, no matter how big or small the job is! Give us a call to schedule a free consultation and estimate: 602-743-3175

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