Protect Your Roof From The Arizona Heat

Arizona is known for it’s dry desert and scorching hot summers. These high temperatures are harsh on us Arizonians and our homes roof. While we hide inside, our roof is taking the brunt of these unbearable temperatures. The extreme heat can lead to various issues for your roof, if not corrected right away.

What does the Arizona heat do to my roof?

Arizona’s extremely hot summers can cause destruction to our homes roof.

  1. Thermal Expansion & Contraction- The sudden temperature variations from morning to the evening cause roofing materials to expand during the day when it’s hot and contract during the night when it is cooler outside. Eventually, this can cause cracks, warping, and a reduced roof lifespan.
  2. UV Radiation- Your roofing materials are affected by the intense ultraviolet rays. The rays can breakdown roofing materials causing them to lose their durability and lessen lifespan.
  3. Blistering- Heat-related blistering is caused by trapped moisture getting hot causing the moisture to expand and form blisters. When these blisters are sitting under your roof materials, they can lead to leaks.

Roof Maintenance

If you want to protect your roof from the harsh Arizona heat, start implementing these proactive practices:

  1. Annual Roof Inspections
  2. Clear Debris
  3. Inspect and seal leaks
  4. Repair damaged areas

Why are annual roof inspections important?

Routine maintenance for your roof is important for longevity and avoiding costly, unexpected repairs. This is why:

  1. Preparation- Getting your roof inspected can aid in finding minor issues and repairing them before the damage becomes extensive and expensive.
  2. Home Value- A home that has a sturdy, maintained, and beautiful roof has a curb appeal buyer’s wouldn’t want to pass up.

Don’t let the Arizona heat damage your roof. Be sure to do your part in maintenance and calling Almeida Roofing INC. every year to schedule a roof inspection with one of our roofing experts. We look forward to hearing from you!


Common Causes of Damage on Your Arizona Roof 

We enjoy doing an activity with our family on a bright sunny day, but if your roof had feelings, those feelings would be quite the opposite. The harsh summer sun, small period of monsoon season, and winter months are a lot on our roofs to endure every year. Almeida Roofing Inc. knows how destructive our Arizona weather can be on homeowners’ and business owners’ roofs.  

The top 4 suspects of roof damage are: 

  1. Sun- While your roof sits in the sun day after day under the harsh UV rays, the roofing materials eventually deteriorate.  
  1. Rain- During our brief monsoon season, the rain can potentially get under shingles and in holes. When water gets into places it’s not supposed to be, catastrophic damage occurs that results in very costly repairs.  
  1. Dramatic Temperature Change- While your roof is blazing hot in the summer and monsoon season finally appears, the sudden cold rainfall causes the roof to swiftly expand and contract, creating cracks that will lead to leaks. 
  1. Branches- During our monsoon storms, we get intense winds. These winds cause havoc for your roof when trees too close to your home get blown around, causing branches to fall. These large branches can crack, break, and displace your shingles.  

Almeida Roofing Inc. 

Almeida Roofing Inc. is your local roofing expert ready to take care of your roof! We take pride in our work and demonstrate that to each customer and roof we service. Our trained and professional roofing contractors are equipped to handle any roofing job big or small! To learn more about how we can service you, call us at 623-743-3175 .

Can the sun damage my roof?  

It’s no surprise that Arizona is on the top 10 list of hottest states. The summer days are sunny, hot, and long! During those 117+ degree days, all you want to do is jump in your cool pool but unfortunately, it ends up being a giant bathtub full of warm water.  

Normally by this time, we get a little break from the monsoon rain, but it’s been lacking this year. Everybody and all things have been impacted by the increased temperatures and reduced amount of moisture. This includes your roof no matter what type of material it’s composed of. 

Your roof is about 50 degrees hotter than the outside temperature. That means when it’s 117 degrees outside, your roof is roughly sitting at 167 degrees! These brutally high temperatures cause the roofing material to break down creating a higher chance of damage. For example, a lot of Arizona homeowners have asphalt shingles that will eventually develop into loose and brittle shingles. When they become so weak, even a medium-sized tree branch falling and landing on your roof can mean extensive damage. I’m not saying it’s bound to happen to your roof, but the likelihood is there.  

What can you do to avoid it? To be fair, you can’t avoid what Mother Nature has to offer. However, what you can do is be proactive in getting your roof inspections done annually. With a roof inspection done by an expert every year, you can know the condition of the roofing materials and take care of any necessary repairs.  

Don’t have a trusted roofing expert in your contact list? Now you do! Give Almeida Roofing Inc. a call at 602-743-3175. 

Cool off your roof this summer  

The Arizona heat has finally arrived! I think we can all agree our air conditioning systems are a highly appreciated necessity but are so expensive to utilize during the summer. They struggle to keep our homes cool and need all the help we can give them. One way of doing that is lowering the head load our home intakes by summer proofing the roof! Check out these tips on how to keep your roof cool this summer.  

Attic & Wall Insulation- Keeping your attic cool helps to keep the rest of the home cool. If there isn’t proper insulation in the attic and walls to provide that barrier from the outside heat, the heat has no choice but to enter the home.  

Paint the Roof- You’ve heard of “painting the roses red” but what about “painting the roof white”? The phrase doesn’t sound as good but that is irrelevant because painting the roof white is actually beneficial! The lighter the roof color, the more heat is reflected off your roof and home.  

Shade- Research the kind of tree you want that will grow to be tall enough to offer the roof lots of shade. Hell, plant 5 trees around your house for shade! However, do keep in mind to plant them far enough away from the house to avoid branches falling onto the roof.  

Solar Panels- There are 2 immediate benefits to installing a solar system on your roof.. One, the energy savings reflected on your bill of course. Two, the additional shade for your roof!  

Almeida Roofing Inc. hopes these few tips help to keep you and your roof cool this summer! For any roof repairs or roof replacement, we are just one phone call away. Our roofing specialists can help address any questions or concerns you may have about your roof. We take pride in what we do and demonstrate that through our exceptional customer service.

Call the roofing pros at Almeida Roofing Inc. 602-743-3175 

Can extreme heat harm your roof?

We all know that Arizona is a hot place. We love it, or we hate it. Heat and humidity cause problems for our roofing, just as all extreme weather can. Arizona is a dry heat most of the year, but extreme temperatures, storms, and severe weather conditions can cause damage to both commercial and residential roofs. However, some preventative measures can be taken to help your roof in the extreme summer heat. Ensuring that your roof has proper ventilation is key to reducing the effects of heat and humidity on your roof. If you need clarification on your roof’s ventilation, speak with a roofing professional about the right ventilation for your roof style. 

Heat has a way of making existing problems worse. Be sure to check your roof after storms or if there might be an issue as soon as you can avoid the heat worsening everything. 

Phoenix Roofing Contractor 

Your local, quality and affordable roofing professionals are here at Almeida Roofing Inc.! We understand how important it is to have a sturdy roof over your head. That’s why we demonstrate quality and professionalism each time we maintain and service it. When the time comes to replace your roof, Almedia Roofing Inc will be there with you every step of the way. We offer financing options, so you don’t have to stress about paying all at once. We are here to help, not cause you to have a heart attack!  

It doesn’t matter if we are maintaining or replacing your roof, Almeida Roofing Inc has the crew to do the job! Our roofing specialists have the knowledge and experience “Joe Shmo off the street” simply does not. Not only do we have the best crew, but we also have quality equipment and materials to get the job done right. With quality products, we can deliver quality work. Give your local roofing specialist a call to schedule maintenance or a replacement estimate!


How do roof tiles get cracked? 

There are different materials that go into building a roof and one of those are the roofing tiles. While these are meant to protect you, they still wear down and crack over time. Cracked tiles can be caused by impact from falling objects, freezing, and weather. Sometimes you can get away with repairing a few random tiles but in more serious cases, replacement may be necessary. Whether you need roof repairs or replacement, it’s important to know how these cracks can happen.  

Causes of Broken/Cracked Roof Tiles 

  1. Falling Objects 
  1. Freezing and thawing  
  1. Weather 

Falling objects could be things like… a branch from that giant tree on the side of your house or, if you’re really unlucky, an aircraft losing control and landing not so graciously on the roof. No matter what the object is, it’s possible to crack a shingle with it.  

When there is sitting water on the roof that freezes and thaws over and over again, this can cause the roofing tiles to crack. While the water goes through the roofing materials, the temperature fluctuating causes the cracks to occur.  

Here in Phoenix, Arizona, we occasionally get a crazy hail storm that lasts about 3 minutes. It may be a short time but the falling ice can cause cracks and holes in a matter of no time. When we get strong winds during monsoon season, the tiles have a chance of peeling or lifting.  

Whatever the reason, if you need a roofing specialist to give you direction on repairing or replacing your roof, Almeida Roofing Inc is available to help! Our professionals will inspect the roof and present you with options. We will work with you every step of the way to get your roof back in shape! Call us anytime to schedule an inspection with Almeida Roofing Inc!


Roof questions to ask when you are buying a home.

If you are shopping for a new home this year, here are some things you should find out about the roof of your dream home before you drop that offer.


You must ask this question even when looking at a home you are considering buying. The homeowners/sellers of a new home like to tell you when there is a new roof on the house, but they frequently won’t mention anything about the roof unless it is new. Anytime a large project like a new roof is done to the home, there are receipts; it’s important to get proof the roof has been fully replaced or repaired. Make sure that their paperwork matches up with what they are saying. 


Be sure to ask what the quality of your roof is. Make sure good quality roofing materials were used when it was last redone. Also, it’s important to note that not all roofs are created equal for the places that they are. For example, here in Arizona, tile roofs are popular because they last a really long time, but asphalt shingle roofs are used too. Understanding the difference in the longevity of these two types of roofs in Arizona is important. It may not be something you need to deal with immediately, but just understand that you will probably need work done on a shingle roof way sooner than a tile roof. 


Most of the time, a home inspection is done on your home before you buy it unless you opt-out… P.S. Never opt out of a home inspection. Also, did you know that you can choose your home inspector? Most of the time, the homeowners hire the inspector, or one of the realtors will set it up, but you can always get a second opinion. Not all home inspectors are created equal, and not all spend enough time inspecting the roof. The roof is a very important part of your home and not something that should be looked over quickly. If you happen to see ware and tear on the edges of the roof, or perhaps some minor things are mentioned in an inspector’s report, it is ok to ask for a roof-only inspection. Knowing how worn the roof is is key to deciding to buy a home. A roof can be a very large expense, and even if it warns, knowing this information can help you avoid costly surprises down the road.

Roof cleaning DOs and DON’Ts

  • DO use equal parts bleach and water. It’s important to remove not only dirt but any algae or mildew that may be growing. 
  • DON’T use a power washer on shingles – Power washers are too strong to clean shingles; the force will break them down. 
  • DO let the bleach and water solution set for up to 20 minutes and then rinse it away with clean water. 
  • DON’T forget about your plants and shrubbery around your home when rinsing off the cleaning solution. Wet any plants with water and then cover them with plastic to protect them. 
  • DO clean your roof on a cool day, with cloud coverage and no wind. 
  • DON’T wait until your roof is covered in algae or moss to clean it. It’s always better to keep your roof clean rather than waiting until it’s a big task. 
  • DO Hire someone to clean your roof if you are unable to clean it yourself safely. 
  • DON’T clean your roof without taking proper safety precautions. 

Winter Roof Tips

Even though our winter here in Arizona isn’t as intense as other areas in the country, we get surprised with heavy rain fall, hail, and crazy winds. Your home needs to be protected from any type of weather condition. The best thing homeowners could do as winter approaches is to ensure the roof is sturdy and in good condition. Our experienced professionals suggest these tips to prepare your roof for the winter months… 

Over time, your gutters collect leaves, twigs, debris, and maybe even snakes… Let’s hope there isn’t any snakes because tip 1 is to clean your gutters! They should be cleaned out 1-2 times a year. If you don’t want to hire someone to clean them… you can set up a ladder, scoop out the debris, and use a garden hose to flush out the gutters. Ensure the gutters are performing correctly and if they aren’t, hire a professional to repair them.  

If you have tall trees close to the house, tip 2 is to make sure they’re trimmed and sturdy. It would be a shame if that large branch came crashing down on your roof during an intense windstorm. Also, if your gutters are always full of leaves… your tree is probably the culprit. Trim and maintain trees to ensure sturdiness and assist in keeping the gutters clear.     

Winter in Phoenix, Arizona is a little weird because in the afternoon it’s warm and sunny but at night the temperature drastically lowers. The up and down temperature change can actually have a negative impact on your roof. When it’s warm during the day, the roof expands and when it gets cold, the roof contracts. These swift temperature changes can cause damage to the gutters and roof system. This brings us to tip 3… apply roof sealant. Roof sealant helps to maintain a steady temperature so it’s not expanding and contracting. As an added bonus, roof sealant protects from water damage! 

After tips 1-3, tip 4 is to call a roofing specialist to schedule a roof inspection. Experienced roofers can see if there are any areas that may need to be repaired. If you know there is damage to the roof, they can provide options to either repair or replace the roof. This is something you definitely want to have a professional do.

If you need a roofing contractor, Almeida Roofing would love to earn your trust and business. We have trained roofing professionals ready to service your roof to ensure it’s ready for this winter. For questions and more information, give us a call. 602-743-3175