Ways To Drain Water Off A Flat Roof

Typically, flat roofs are used on commercial buildings and particular home designs because they withstand harsh elements such as hail, strong winds, and animals.

Though flat roofs are resistant to the outdoor elements, they still have their downfalls. Flat roofs are vulnerable to water damage because unlike sloped roofs, the water just sits there on the roof, unless you install a proper drainage system. Yes, it’s called a flat roof but did you know they actually aren’t completely flat? There should be a slight slant toward the drains to ensure the water is directed in the direction of the drain system.

There are different drain systems to consider, including;

  1. Inner Drains- Installed within the roof or the parapet wall, inner drains prevent the pipes from being visible allowing the building’s look to remain aesthetically pleasing. The inner drains are commonly located in the middle of the roof. Inner drains are mainly used for large roofs on commercial buildings.
  2. Scuppers- This simple draining method includes broad openings on the outer wall of the building that allow the water to go from the edge of the roof, down through the downspouts underneath them. The purpose of the downspouts is to prevent water damage to the walls. Scuppers are beneficial for flat roofs because they don’t get clogged easily and they’re easier to maintain.
  3. Gutters- Installed along the side of the roof, gutters offer a direct path for water to travel down a pipe or downspout. The gutter drainage system is typically used on smaller buildings and is most cost-effective. However, you’ll want to ensure that you’re occasionally taking the time to clear out any debris that are causing a clog in the gutters.
  4. Siphonic Roof Drain- Using a gravity-induced vacuum pump to clear away the water, you can choose a siphonic roof drain system. This vacuum is attached to various drain openings that quickly draws the water from the roofs surface. A siphonic roof drain system is beneficial for vast roofs that are in an area of frequent rainfall.

Looking for a roofer to install a flat roof drainage system for your home or business? Look no further than Almeida Roofing inc.! We have the knowledge, tools, and crew to get your roof drainage system properly installed. In our state where we endure intense monsoon storms, Almeida Roofing Inc. has you covered! Call today to schedule a quote on a flat roof drainage system for your roof.

📞 602-743-3175

How Often Should I Reseal My Flat Roof?

For homeowners or business owners with a flat roof, you’ll want to prevent roof problems before they occur. A flat roof that is maintained properly can tolerate the outside elements and protect you and your family for years to come. However, not routinely doing the maintenance can lead to expensive repairs or replacement.

A part of flat roof maintenance is to reseal. Having your flat roof resealed safeguards it’s durability and integrity by keeping it waterproofed and insulated. Overlooking this important step in maintaining your flat roof, can result in leaks and other damage.

Every 5-7 years is the average timeframe to reseal a roof in order to maintain it’s durability.

Signs your flat roof needs to be resealed:

  1. Cracks or Splits: Observe for cracks or splits on the roof. This indicates that the coating is failing and vulnerable to leaks.
  2. Pooled Water: After a rainstorm, if there is a pool of water on your roof for a couple of days, it’s possible the sealant has weakened and no longer has it’s durability to protect from leaks.
  3. Bubbles: When the waterproof layer is no longer together, the trapped moisture causes bubbles.
  4. Discoloration: The harsh UV rays cause discoloration and the coating to become thin.
  5. Peeling: The roof needs to be resealed when there is peeling or flaking.

If you see any of these signs, Almeida Roofing Inc. can help! Our roofers who specialize in flat roofs, are ready to inspect, maintain, repair, or replace your roof. Whatever you need, Almeida Roofing Inc. is just a phone call away!


Flat Roof Maintenance  

Do you have a flat roof in Phoenix, Arizona? Flat roofs can look modern and appealing, but they do require more upkeep than a pitched roof. When debris falls onto a pitched roof, they simply roll off to the ground. However, on a flat roof, the fallen items get stuck because there isn’t a pitch guiding them to roll off. Not only will the debris get trapped on your flat roof, but they can also cause damage on impact.  

You can either spend thousands of dollars on repairs later or go the cheaper route by getting regular maintenance done. With regular maintenance, you can correct the impact damages before they become catastrophic damages. What was just a small impact hole that bothered no one, suddenly becomes a caved in ceiling on your living room floor. Why? Well because there was a hole in your roof that wasn’t caught and repaired, it allowed all the rain and moisture to travel down to above the ceiling. Your ceiling isn’t meant to hold water…. so, boom, it’s now on your floor!  

When you use Almedia Roofing for your flat roof maintenance needs, we can help avoid this happening to you! With regular maintenance by us, we can catch the issue before it ends up on your living room floor. We will find that hole, give you options, and repair it after you give us the thumbs up. Our goal is to ensure the roof is doing its job by remaining sturdy so it can keep you and your family safe. For more information and schedules, give us a ring at 602-743-3175

Flat Roof Damage Causes 

You may encounter several issues with your roof or maybe none at all… that you know of. It is 100% normal that over time, a flat roof loses its durability and strength. You might start noticing cracks and leaks. As a trusted roofing contractor in the Phoenix area, we get an abundance of calls with this type of problem and requesting immediate repair or replacement.  

Our roofs however, can have more than just cracks and leaks. Other things like long-standing water, broken or rusted roofing material, ice dams, and sagging all occur and can wreak havoc to any roof. No matter the issue, it is crucial to get the problem repaired as soon as possible. In some cases, the phrase “just put it on credit card” is necessary and this would be one of those cases. The longer you wait to repair your roof, the more extensive the damage becomes. If damages are bad enough, there may not even be an option to repair.  

For roof inspections and repairs, Almeida Roofing Inc. is here to save the day! When you call us, you’re calling a roofing contractor you can trust. We make your roof our priority to ensure it keeps you and the family protected all year round. Our roof inspector will inspect the roof and give you options whether it requires repair or replacement. Give us a call to schedule your roof inspection today!


Standing water on a flat roof

Having gutters installed is the best way to ensure that you have no standing water on your flat roof. Gutters drain and divert the water from the roof and into an area around the house that is a safe distance from the foundation.

If you find standing water on your roof, here are some things you can do. If you have gutters and there is rainwater buildup, be sure to clean and flush the gutters to make sure the path for water to drain is clear. Standing water with clear drains and gutters may mean a low spot on your roof needs repair. If water stands too long in one area, it can create a sag that will hold water even with the best drainage.

If standing water on your flat roof is an issue you can’t solve, please reach out and have a professional check things out. If you have fixed your drainage and standing water is still an issue, have a roof inspection done. A professional can ensure you don’t have water damage or low spots that were created by past standing water.

If you are having issues with standing water on your flat roof, give us a call (602) 743-3175

Flat Tile Roof Damage Repair in Phoenix, AZ 

There are different types of roofs we see in Arizona and one of those is flat tile roofs. Like with anything really, overtime issues and damage occur. It is common for flat roofs to weaken and crack. It’s not uncommon for us to get calls for water leaking into the home because there is a roof crack somewhere. When this happens, you’ll want to get it repaired asap to avoid major problems and costly repairs.    

How does the damage occur in the first place? There are various ways your roof can get damaged. Sometimes the weather gets crazy during monsoon season with high winds causing branches and other debris to fall on your roof. It doesn’t take a whole lot of strength or weight to crack a roof tile. With that being said, try avoid walking on your roof. If it is absolutely necessary for you or a service provider to be up there, walk as if you were as light as a feather!  

If you notice water damage, call a roofing contractor right away. The roof could have a crack causing a water leak and you really don’t want to put repairs off. Doing so will result in more issues and more money. Almeida Roofing can inspect your roof and give you options. We have certified and trained roofing specialist who know how to repair, replace, and maintain your roof.

Call us today! 602-743-3175 

Water Leak Repair in Desert Hills

Roof Water Leak Repair in Desert Hills

Arizona is such a pretty place to live, with beautiful weather several months of the year.

Then comes the blistering summer heat, the beautiful, powerful and also damaging summer monsoon storms which result in damage insurance claims every year.  The roof of the home is often times  the first line of defense from these heavy storms and scorching heat.  Most roofs can easily withstand most Arizona monsoon storms, however with the unpredictable winds and water damaged shingles go flying, roof tile can crack from falling debris and existing roof damage is exasperated.

When you need a roofing repair, don’t procrastinate – roofing problems usually get worse over time. Call us today to get a free estimate on fixing it now – 602-743-3175

Tile Roof Storm Damage Repair

Top quality tile roofing not only looks fantastic and lasts for years, it's also excellent protection against the elements that's very easy to maintain. When it does need repaired or replaced, Almeida is a leading roofing company in Desert Hills as well as the entire Phoenix Metro area.

Shingle Roof Storm Damage Repair

Repairing shingle roofs may seem like a fairly complicated task, but with our experienced and friendly professionals on the job you’ll see just how quickly and easily it can come together. We have been installing and repairing shingle roofs for many years, and we do it right the first time.

Flat Roof Storm Damage Repair

Flat roofs are an excellent solution for many buildings. They provide a remarkable seal that lasts, and a simple, practical style that works really well with many buildings and homes. Flat roof repair requires a different set of skills than the more traditional asphalt shingle roofs.

Water Is Beautiful... OUTSIDE!

Water is one of the most beautiful natural elements… in the right setting that is.  If you are wanting to go camping, fishing or just go find your Zen on the water, these are all fabulous examples of how water is so key to not only our survival — but also our pleasure.  Backyard pools, rain storms and more are also wonderful elements of our life that couldn’t be without water.  The human body is primarily made up of water.  Our clothes and dishes wouldn’t be very clean without water.  You see where this is going.  Water is a must have.

Leaky Roofs and Leaky Plumbing

This water is never a welcome guest in any home.  The inevitable truth to water being all around us, is at some point a water leak will probably happen.  There are a lot of ways to help prevent ever seeing a water leak like keeping your roof maintained and in good shape.  Roof tiles and roofs that are not being cared for can wear out before their time. Tire roofs, as strong as the tile is can be damaged having moss and other unwelcomed things nestling on the underlayment causing damage.  Roof inspections in Phoenix are suggested if you have an older roof, or just general concerns.  The sooner you get the roof inspection and the roof diagnosis, you can put a plan of repair into action before that next monsoon storm comes — preventing further damage.

The Roof Is Not Seen 

The roof is the first line of defense against the elements, and vital to the safety of everything and everyone in your home, however the roof becomes the least thought about part of your home  … till there is a failure that is!  Things that are not often thought about can be brewing on your roof, and you don’t even know.  The picture below shows a seemingly good roof from the street view, but after a water leak and inspection all this moss was seen forming. 6 Signs You Need A New Roof

For most types of roofing services, we are the ones to call – Contact us at 602-743-3175 to arrange your free estimate.

Open Hours:

  • Mon -Fri: 8AM – 4PM

Arizona Monsoon Season Is Here!

The Arizona monsoon storms can be exciting, scary, pretty and also costly.

When you need a roofing repair, don’t procrastinate – roofing problems usually get worse over time. Call us today to get a free estimate on fixing it now – 602-743-3175

Several cities in the Phoenix and surrounding areas suffered damage to roofs and other structures already this Monsoon 2022 season, and this season is just getting started. There has been reports of multiple power outages, lots of roof damage and even a completely flattened mobile home!

Below are some tips to stay safe during this Monsoon 2022:

(The below tips from:  Arizona Fire & Medical Authority (az.gov) website)

The Arizona Fire & Medical Authority gives these tips on safety during and after storms, no matter where you are at:


Lightning is attracted to metal and water, and tends to strike the highest or tallest objects. YOU ARE IN A STRIKE ZONE IF YOU HEAR THUNDER FIVE SECONDS OR LESS AFTER YOU SEE LIGHTNING! 

  • Avoid wide, open areas such as fields and golf courses. 
  • Stay off hilltops and other high points of land. 
  • Don’t stand near trees or tall poles 
  • Get at least 7 feet away from tall objects 
  • Avoid metal objects such as golf carts and clubs, lawn mowers and pipes. 
  • Get to the lowest point of ground you can, and kneel or squat to minimize your contact points with the ground. 
  • Do not lie flat. This will make you a bigger target. 
  • Don’t huddle with others. Spread out at least 15 feet apart. 
  • Remove golf shoes or steel-toed boots. 
  • If you’re out on the water, get to land. 
  • If you’re in a pool, get out.

Downed Power Lines

  • Stay at least 100 feet away. 
  • If the power line has fallen on your car while you’re in it, don’t touch anything metal in the car, and stay inside until professional help arrives. 
  • Never try to help someone trapped by a power line. You endanger your own safety. Instead, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Indoor Safety

  • Stay away from windows during strong winds. Tree limbs and other wind-borne objects can be a hazard. 
  • Electrical wiring attracts lightning. Avoid using the telephone, except for emergencies. 
  • Lighting can move through a home’s plumbing, attracted to the metal or water. Avoid using sinks and showers. 
  • Disconnect computers, TVs and other delicate electronic equipment. Consider attaching surge protectors to such equipment.

Driving Safety

In Dust:

  • Don’t enter a dust storm if you can avoid it. 
  • Turn headlights on and slow to a prudent speed.
  • If you pull off the road, get as far to the right as possible. Turn off the car and headlights, and set the parking brake. Keep your foot off the brake pedal because other drivers may think you’re a car in motion. 

In Rain:

  • Rain reduces traction and causes tires to hydroplane. Slow your speed accordingly. 
  • Water on roads may be deeper than it looks. Watch for vehicles travelling too fast. They can throw up blinding sheets of water. 
  • Don’t cross rain-swollen washes. You can be caught in a flash flood that can sweep your vehicle and its contents away. 
  • Pay attention to hazard signs and roadblocks. Ignoring them threatens life and property, and can result in enforcement action by police. 

Stuck in a wash: 

Control of a vehicle is lost in 6 inches of water. Most vehicles will begin to float in 2 feet of water. 

– If you have a phone, call 911. Our firefighters are equipped and trained on swift water rescues.

– If you can, climb onto the roof and wait to be rescued. 

– If the water is still low and you can wade to safety, do so, but beware of floating debris. 

Additional Monsoon and Dust Storm Information

When you need a roofing repair, don’t procrastinate – roofing problems usually get worse over time. Call us today to get a free estimate on fixing it now – 602-743-3175

Roofing repair that you can count on is something that can really help to rest your mind at ease. As a home owner, it’s important to develop relationships with the contractors that can make your life easier.

We can handle your roofing repair professionally, no matter how big or small the job is! Give us a call to schedule a free consultation and estimate: 602-743-3175

#reroof #roofing #Monsoon2022 #Affordableroofing #highquality #ProfessionalRoofers #trusted #reliableservice #roofdamage


The first question arises while a leakage is noticed in the flat roof is whether to repair or replace the roof? Though the decision depends on an expert contractor or the severity of the damage, in most of the cases it is noticed that patch work only works for some days or months and a new leakage occurs in the vicinity. Long standing water, poor design, technical faults, poor materials, etc. are the sole reason behind low performing roof. In such conditions, it is better to replace the roof altogether with the help of an experienced flat roofing contractor in Phoenix. A wide range of flat roof repair options are available to choose from with a different costing and different designing procedure.

Selecting An Experienced Flat Roofing Contractor

The first and foremost duty is to hire a professional contractor to inspect the roof and evaluate the problem. A house or commercial building owner needs to make it sure that only an experienced contractor is hired because an inexperienced contractor or roofer will not know every minute aspect and intricacies of flat roofing. The selected roofer should have expert understanding, raw materials, and relevant equipment for flat roofing replacement work. He will also provide a detail flat roof replacement cost or will suggest the best options within the budget of the owner.

Flat Roofing Materials

Depending on the basic design of the building and purpose for which it is used, a contractor will suggest suitable and enduring flat roofing material. Following are the frequently used roofing material for replacement works:

Single Ply Membranes

These are generally built in three different ways: thermosets, thermoplastics, and modified bitumen. Materials like PVC, PIB, TPE and EPDM are used to prepare these roofs. Experts opine that these are the best roofing replacement option as the materials are light weight, enduring and very much protective in adverse weather conditions.

Tar And Gravel Roof

This is also called “Built Up Roofing” (BUR). High-quality adhesives are used to form built up roofing. Normally four alternating layers are used in this kind of flat roofing.

Asphalt Roofing

Asphalt is used on concrete or timber structures making the roofing sturdier and cost effective. These days, better polymer formulations are used to manufacture high-quality asphalts.  Also know more about installing asphalt shingle roofing.

Silicon Spray

It is a bit expensive than other types of roofing but provides a highly enduring solution that will last for a long time in any adverse weather condition.

Besides, some other types of roofing solutions like GRP fiberglass roofing, felt roofing, etc. are also used for roof replacement works.

Need Of Roof Replacement

Experts in flat roof replacement Phoenix, AZ opine that just because a roof is a few leaks or water is percolating inside not necessarily makes it vulnerable for the building. Replacement is a costly and time-consuming affair. It is always a major decision and the last resort for a house or commercial building owner. In two extreme situations people should go for replacement: If the material used in the roof is no more in a situation to serve purposefully, and if the basic design of the roof is wrong for which leakage or other kinds of damage is happening every now and then.


Roof repair is an unavoidable scenario for those who live in storm prone areas. Due to extreme weather hits, roof damage is what people discover as post effects, charging them heavy flat roof repair costHomeowners who find roof repair as a daunting and challenging task, end up calling flat roof repair companies, while other try to give it a shot.

Flat roof repair contractors are usually called for a roof inspection if one senses some trouble with the roof performance. Flat roof repair often demands some temporary fixes that promise its extension for a certain time prior thus avoiding a wholesome investment at a given point of time. Temporary flat roof repair is also termed as a short term repair which can be done easily, quickly and in a cost-effective manner whereas major fixes or permanent flat roof repair is a complicated task which must be outsourced to Flat Roof Contractors.

Property owners who are planning to take up the task of temporary fixes or Flat Roof Repair on their own must take the following precautions to ensure absolute safety:

Keep the Roof Debris-free – The first step to start roof repair to take off all the objects such as broken tree branches, pointed nails or broken shingles that might cause the person to trip or fall. Always, ensure that you have a firm and strong footing on the roof to execute the task worry free.

Always work with help: The best tip to avoid any major injury is to always work with someone. Especially, if the fixes demand going on the roof, having a spotter down there is crucial. This assures the repairer that instant help is available in case of accidental fall or injury.

Watch the Weather: Never commence a repair job if weather is giving mixed signals. In case of predicted rain, lightning, or strong wind, it is wise to postpone the job of repairs to some other day more favorable.

Ladder Safety: Always keep the ladder fixed on a leveled, smooth and stabilized floor and ask for a helping hand if you wish to climb onto the roof. Also, one can place board behind the latter to avoid its slippage.