Cool off your roof this summer  

The Arizona heat has finally arrived! I think we can all agree our air conditioning systems are a highly appreciated necessity but are so expensive to utilize during the summer. They struggle to keep our homes cool and need all the help we can give them. One way of doing that is lowering the head load our home intakes by summer proofing the roof! Check out these tips on how to keep your roof cool this summer.  

Attic & Wall Insulation- Keeping your attic cool helps to keep the rest of the home cool. If there isn’t proper insulation in the attic and walls to provide that barrier from the outside heat, the heat has no choice but to enter the home.  

Paint the Roof- You’ve heard of “painting the roses red” but what about “painting the roof white”? The phrase doesn’t sound as good but that is irrelevant because painting the roof white is actually beneficial! The lighter the roof color, the more heat is reflected off your roof and home.  

Shade- Research the kind of tree you want that will grow to be tall enough to offer the roof lots of shade. Hell, plant 5 trees around your house for shade! However, do keep in mind to plant them far enough away from the house to avoid branches falling onto the roof.  

Solar Panels- There are 2 immediate benefits to installing a solar system on your roof.. One, the energy savings reflected on your bill of course. Two, the additional shade for your roof!  

Almeida Roofing Inc. hopes these few tips help to keep you and your roof cool this summer! For any roof repairs or roof replacement, we are just one phone call away. Our roofing specialists can help address any questions or concerns you may have about your roof. We take pride in what we do and demonstrate that through our exceptional customer service.

Call the roofing pros at Almeida Roofing Inc. 602-743-3175 

Regular Roof Inspections 

Our roof is the most important part of our home but the most forgotten about. We love to maintain our HVAC system because without that, we’re dying in 115-degree weather. But don’t forget about your roof too! Just because you don’t notice it every day, doesn’t mean it doesn’t need attention.  

Your roof could have a hole and you wouldn’t even know until it was too late. A hole in the roof allows moisture to cause water damage. This water damage will be in your roof and ceiling. Once the ceiling is full enough to the point where it no longer has the strength to hold the water, down it goes onto your living room floor. Not only do you have to pay for roof repair now you also have to fork out money to repair the ceiling too. While we’re at it, let’s add the cost to clean or even replace the floors.  

Do you see how one minor repair could change a series of events from happening? Now let’s back it up further. You wouldn’t know about this hole unless you saw it or were told about it, right? This is where regular roof inspections share their importance. Regular roof inspections are crucial in keeping your roof and ceiling sturdy and intact. The inspector will find any damage that requires attention, so you can repair it before the problem ends up on the floor.  

For regular roof inspections, call the professionals at Almeida Roofing! Our team of inspectors will thoroughly inspect your roof, document their findings, and present you with any repair options if needed. Our goal is to aid in keeping you and your family safe under one sturdy roof. Call us for questions and to schedule a roof inspection today! 602-743-3175 

Roof maintenance after a rainstorm

Most people like to open the curtains or pull up a chair on the patio to watch the rain fall and lightning strike. The relaxing sound of the rain hitting the ground as you sip tea is truly beautiful and peaceful. However, that relaxation and peace can quickly turn into destruction and havoc if your roof hasn’t been properly maintained. Almeida Roofing understands how important your roof is in keeping you protected and safe. With the professionalism and experience we offer; you can count on us to properly maintain your roof.  

When you take care of your roof, it’ll take care of you and protect you from the outside elements.  If there is neglect in maintenance, your roof will eventually let you know! Unless… you have Almeida Roofing on your side! With our roofing maintenance options, we offer the opportunity to fix small issues before they become major. A simple hole in the roof could result in your roof, walls, and ceiling crumbling to the ground if not corrected right away.  

Almeida Roofing is here to maintain your roof so that doesn’t happen! It would be very unfortunate to be watching the rain then suddenly the roof caves in. You don’t want that for you, and we don’t either! Our goal during inspection is to inspect the roof and if we see any issues, we will inform you and provide repair options. Not all repairs are huge, but they can be overtime if the original problem isn’t corrected. Be active in your roofs maintenance by calling Almeida Roofing Inc.!


Signs Your Home Requires a New Roof 

Being a homeowner, we expect our roof to protect us forever. We never really consider the possibility of having to replace the roof when we are buying a house. We’re more excited about picking the house, getting approved, and moving in. People aren’t thinking about when they’ll have to replace their roof and if they are, they’ve probably worked at a roofing company! For those who have no roofing experience, here are signs that it’s about time for roof replacement.  

Stains- Check for stains on the outer walls, rafters and decking underneath the shingles. If there are stains, it may be time to replace the roof. Staining is an indication of issues like wood rot and moisture.  

Cracked & Curled Shingles- If your roof has shingles and is more than 15 years old, take a close look for any cracks or curling. Cracks and curls are no good!  

Sagging- A sagging roof can be caused by poor workmanship, incorrect installation, undersized rafter, and extreme weight. Walk outside, step away, and look at your roof to see if you notice any sagging.  

Visible Light- Get in your attic and look up to see if there is any light coming through. If yes, it might be time to call for a roof replacement. That light coming through is from cracks and holes that shouldn’t be there! 

Do you need a new roof? Look no further than Almeida Roofing Inc.! Call us to schedule a roof replacement estimate with one of our professional roofing contractors. Our roof inspector will inspect the roof, give you replacement options, and answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to keep you safe by properly installing a new roof. Trust the professionals at Almeida Roofing Inc. 623-743-3175 

Can rain damage my roof? 

Being a homeowner means all the repairs and upgrades are our responsibility. We no longer have the luxury of calling the maintenance guy or property management company to fix the leaky sink and not have to pay a dime. When damages occur and repairs need to be done on our home, we are never ready or excited about it. This is especially true during the rainy season and what a recent surprise of constant rain we just got. With all this extra rain, what damages could happen to our roofs?  

We tend to get a lot of rain during the monsoon season in the summer but sometimes we get surprised with it in the winter months too. But whether it’s July or December, heavy rainfall can do damage to the shingles. Routinely check the stability of the shingles and ensure there are no cracks especially after a storm.  

With trapped moisture and sitting water comes mold. Normally we struggle to deal with mold in our kitchens and bathrooms but the tops of our houses are easily overlooked. Expansion of materials, mildew, and wood rot occurs when the mold grows in the cracks on your roof. We suggest getting a roof inspection done if you have mold concerns.  

If your gutters are clogged, it’ll become problematic during heavy rainfall because the water will end up sitting on your roof rather than draining. Gutters that aren’t maintained and cleared routinely could cause costly repairs in the future. Stay ahead of the game by keeping up with clearing your gutters.  

Frozen water damage can occur during the winter months when we randomly get heavy rainfall. Water that sits and freezes in the cracks of the roof causes the building material to expand. When you go to do roof repairs, this expansion makes it difficult to repair verses if it was a smaller crack. Some repairs may be too big and you could end up buying a new roof instead.  

Almeida Roofing recommends you take a look at your roof after this consistent rainfall we just had. If you’d like one of our professionals to do an inspection for you, we’re more than happy to help! We will complete our inspection, report back to you, and give you any repair or replacement recommendations if deemed necessary. Almeida Roofing looks forward to servicing you! 

Roof Coating in Phoenix, Arizona 

Looking for ways to extend the life of your roof? All roofs require the occasional repair and regular maintenance to keep them sturdy and safe. You can also look into getting the roof coated for added protection. Whether it’s for your home or business, there are different types of roof coatings you can choose from.   

1.) Acrylic Roof Coating- Acrylic coatings are common due to costs, being environmentally safe, and the simple process. Not only does the coating protect your roof but it also helps in lowering the roofs temperature saving you money on electricity. If you’re looking for the cheapest option acrylic coating is the way to go but if you want a roof coating that is resistant to all elements and lasts a long time, you’ll want to use a different approach.  

2.) Silicone Roof Coating- Silicone coatings are perfect for intense climates and sun exposure, which we have a lot of in the Phoenix area. The sleek and flat silicone can be covered in layers for extra protection. If looks aren’t a big deal, then coating your roof in silicone may be an option. However, if you’re picky like me, silicone may not be the best idea because dirt and debris get stuck to it easily.  

3.) Polyurethane Roof Coating- Polyurethane coatings are becoming more favored. This coating is known for its durability and resistance from various elements. Having the polyurethane coating reduces the amount of sitting water that can cause roof damage. If price isn’t a deal breaker, this may be the right coating for your roof.  

Are you now looking for a roofing contractor to coat your roof? Almeida Roofing is a certified roofing company that can help answer any questions and coat your roof. If you’re not sure which coating is right for you, don’t stress! We can go over all options and pricing with you! Whether it’s on a commercial building or residential home, let Almeida Roofing take care of your roof.

Call today! 602-743-3175 

Why Do You Need to Maintain Your Roof? 

When you put the care into your roof by having regular maintenance done, it benefits the long-term health and structure of your roof. If you get a new roof and it’s properly installed, it is still important to maintain your investment with annual maintenance. Not only are you increasing the roofs lifespan, it’s also a good peace of mind for you.  

With proper roof maintenance, you’re decreasing the chances of expensive repairs in the future. The roof inspector can see damages starting before they become bigger issues. If you’re not getting regular maintenance, unseen damages can lead to costly repairs to your roof and other areas of the home within a matter of years depending on the problem.  

As mentioned earlier, the roofs lifespan increases with proper maintenance. Annual maintenance is the easiest way to expand the life of your roof and minimize issues. Even after getting a new roof installed, you’re still not off the hook! Protect your investment with regular annual maintenance. A roofs life expectancy is 25+ years. When routine upkeep is performed, you can get that and more!  

Keep your mind at peace and ease knowing the roof over your head is strong enough to protect you and your family. With regular roof maintenance, it will give you peace of mind. The roof inspector could tell you there’s a repair that needs to be done or that your roof is in tip-top shape… Either way, you’ll be satisfied the roof is getting the attention it needs to keep everyone safe. 

Almeida Roofing can provide regular roof maintenance on your residential home or commercial building. Our roof technicians are trained and licensed to perform a proper inspection. They’ll communicate their findings with you, good or bad. If needed, we will give you options on repair or replacement depending on the roofs condition. You can trust Almeida Roofing to provide professional roof care. Call today for questions and scheduling!


Waterproofing Your Roof

During monsoon season in Arizona, we can get a lot of rain and humidity. The first thing that gets hit with the heavy rainfall and high humidity is your roof. Water can cause a lot of issues to your roof if moisture gets trapped. To avoid this, it’s best to waterproof the roof. You’ll want to waterproof under and over the shingles.  

Waterproofing Under the Shingles- The most common roof type are shingle roofs. These shingled roofs should contain a strong waterproof material like tar paper or roofing felt that will go between the rafters and shingles. You can also waterproof under the shingles using thermoplastic polyolefin.  

Waterproofing Over the Shingles- When you waterproof the shingles, you can get a few more years without having to replace the roof. You’ll want to get a waterproofing compound and spray, roll, or brush onto each shingle. You can go with an oil-based compound that lasts longer or a water-based compound that is more environmentally friendly.  

It is important to note that these both need to be done for your roof to be the most waterproofed as possible. Start with hiring a roofing contractor to waterproof under the shingles. They can safely and professionally do this for you. Then, either they can waterproof over the shingles or you can if you’re not concerned about safety.  

Almeida Roofing is a certified and professional roofing company in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Our trained roofing specialist can assist with properly waterproofing your roof. We pride ourselves in taking care of our clients to the best of our ability! Almeida Roofing is here for all your roofing needs! 602-743-3175 

Avoid Roof Damage from Hanging Holiday Lights  

Whether you’re just now getting around to putting up Halloween decorations or can’t wait to hang the Christmas lights, you’ll want to make sure you aren’t damaging the roof in the process. Putting up holiday decorations should be fun and uplifting… not damaging! People tend to use methods that aren’t the safest or sturdiest. Learn tips to avoid unnecessary roof damage this holiday season!  

Avoid putting holes in the roof. Using screws, nails, and even staples leave holes in your shingles causing damage. As soon as you take those nails and staples out, those holes can fill with water that can cause the roof to rot. Be cautious about also putting holes in the wood around the perimeter of the roof to avoid wood rot. No holes in the gutters either!  

You’re probably thinking, “well how am I supposed to hang my lights now?!” You can use plastic clips! I personally find everything I need on Amazon but you’ll find some at the store too. Know what you’re hanging so you can decide which clips will work best for your roof and decorations. It’s not recommended to attach the clips to the shingles but, if necessary, DO NOT lift the shingles to do so. When the shingles get lifted, the bond to the roof can break and the roof tile can crack. When it’s time to put away the decorations, carefully remove the clips one at a time. 

Refrain from walking on your roof. Not only is it dangerous but you could really cause damage. Walking on the roof can weaken and crack the shingles. Again, this can create water damage to the roof and even the walls and ceiling inside the home. So, you’d have lots of repairs needed that you probably don’t want to worry about after spending so much money on gifts!   

This holiday season, be mindful of your roof. Don’t make holes, use clips, and don’t walk all over it. Save yourself money by using these tips. If you already have roof damage, Almeida Roofing can help you! 602-743-3175 

Winter Roof Tips

Even though our winter here in Arizona isn’t as intense as other areas in the country, we get surprised with heavy rain fall, hail, and crazy winds. Your home needs to be protected from any type of weather condition. The best thing homeowners could do as winter approaches is to ensure the roof is sturdy and in good condition. Our experienced professionals suggest these tips to prepare your roof for the winter months… 

Over time, your gutters collect leaves, twigs, debris, and maybe even snakes… Let’s hope there isn’t any snakes because tip 1 is to clean your gutters! They should be cleaned out 1-2 times a year. If you don’t want to hire someone to clean them… you can set up a ladder, scoop out the debris, and use a garden hose to flush out the gutters. Ensure the gutters are performing correctly and if they aren’t, hire a professional to repair them.  

If you have tall trees close to the house, tip 2 is to make sure they’re trimmed and sturdy. It would be a shame if that large branch came crashing down on your roof during an intense windstorm. Also, if your gutters are always full of leaves… your tree is probably the culprit. Trim and maintain trees to ensure sturdiness and assist in keeping the gutters clear.     

Winter in Phoenix, Arizona is a little weird because in the afternoon it’s warm and sunny but at night the temperature drastically lowers. The up and down temperature change can actually have a negative impact on your roof. When it’s warm during the day, the roof expands and when it gets cold, the roof contracts. These swift temperature changes can cause damage to the gutters and roof system. This brings us to tip 3… apply roof sealant. Roof sealant helps to maintain a steady temperature so it’s not expanding and contracting. As an added bonus, roof sealant protects from water damage! 

After tips 1-3, tip 4 is to call a roofing specialist to schedule a roof inspection. Experienced roofers can see if there are any areas that may need to be repaired. If you know there is damage to the roof, they can provide options to either repair or replace the roof. This is something you definitely want to have a professional do.

If you need a roofing contractor, Almeida Roofing would love to earn your trust and business. We have trained roofing professionals ready to service your roof to ensure it’s ready for this winter. For questions and more information, give us a call. 602-743-3175