When is the ideal time to get my roof inspected?

As an Arizona homeowner, you might already know how important it is to have your roof inspected by a professional roofing contractor. An expert roofer can tell you if there is any damages or areas of concern. The more you have your roof inspected, the better.

How often you get your roof inspected depends on the type of roof you have. Factors like weather conditions, size, and location also impact how often your roof should be inspected.

Read further to learn more about roof inspections and how often to get your roof inspected.


✅ Catch small problems before they become big ones.

✅ Saves money on costly repairs.

✅ Prevention

Regular Roof Inspections:

Scheduling routine roof inspections and maintenance is a great way to reduce roof damages that can cause bigger issues like leaks and internal damage. A general rule of thumb is to have an experienced roofer inspect your roof at least twice a year, during the spring and fall.

Self Roof Inspection:

It’s okay to check the roof yourself for things like damaged or missing shingles but it does take a thorough roof inspection by someone who knows what they’re doing to ensure your roofs durability. Having a successful roof inspection done takes time and experience. Hiring an expert roof inspector is best because they have more experience, tools, skills, and knowledge. The roof inspector is able to thoroughly go through your roof system to spot damages and areas of concern.

Signs of Needed Roof Repair:

➡️ Leaks

➡️ Increased Electric Bills

➡️Damaged or Lost Shingles

Almeida Roofing Inc.: Roof Inspections and Maintenance

For all types of roof inspections and maintenance, Almeida Roofing Inc. is your go-to roofing expert! Whether your roof needs repair or an inspection, we have the guys to get the job done. Our experienced and knowledgeable roofers have the skills, tools, and desire to ensure each roof is in tip-top shape!


Suggested Home Roof Maintenance  

Now is the time to complete your roof maintenance checklist! You’ll want to make sure the roof is sturdy and that there are no holes before the monsoon season rolls in. The high winds and heavy rainfalls will cause damage to any roof that isn’t properly maintained. Don’t be that neighbor with a caved in roof after a storm! Read more to start your roof maintenance checklist. 

Roof inspections are crucial in ensuring there aren’t any possible hazards and damage that need to be repaired. It is recommended to have the roof inspected bi-annually. Inspect before monsoon season and after. If any debris or wind caused damage during the storm, you can get it repaired before further issues occur. One minor hole can lead to thousands and thousands of dollars if not taken care of right away.  

Inspect the shingles bi-annually. See if you notice any missing, damaged, curled, or lifted shingles. Any damaged or missing shingles should be replaced right away to avoid further roof damage.    

Trim the trees that are close to your roof. By trimming the trees, you avoid leaves from getting trapped on the roof and branches falling. The leaves being trapped can cause moisture to build and weaken the structure. Branches falling onto the roof can cause damage like holes and weaken the structure.  

When you follow these roof maintenance tips, you’re prolonging the life of the roof and keeping your family safe. For a thorough roof inspection, Almeida Roofing can help! Add us to your maintenance checklist and give us a call when you’re ready to schedule a professional roof inspection. 602-743-3175 

Roof maintenance after a rainstorm

Most people like to open the curtains or pull up a chair on the patio to watch the rain fall and lightning strike. The relaxing sound of the rain hitting the ground as you sip tea is truly beautiful and peaceful. However, that relaxation and peace can quickly turn into destruction and havoc if your roof hasn’t been properly maintained. Almeida Roofing understands how important your roof is in keeping you protected and safe. With the professionalism and experience we offer; you can count on us to properly maintain your roof.  

When you take care of your roof, it’ll take care of you and protect you from the outside elements.  If there is neglect in maintenance, your roof will eventually let you know! Unless… you have Almeida Roofing on your side! With our roofing maintenance options, we offer the opportunity to fix small issues before they become major. A simple hole in the roof could result in your roof, walls, and ceiling crumbling to the ground if not corrected right away.  

Almeida Roofing is here to maintain your roof so that doesn’t happen! It would be very unfortunate to be watching the rain then suddenly the roof caves in. You don’t want that for you, and we don’t either! Our goal during inspection is to inspect the roof and if we see any issues, we will inform you and provide repair options. Not all repairs are huge, but they can be overtime if the original problem isn’t corrected. Be active in your roofs maintenance by calling Almeida Roofing Inc.!


Love your roof? 

If you love your roof for always protecting you, show it some appreciation by getting an inspection done! An inspection by a licensed and trained roofing professional gives you the opportunity to be ahead of the game. With a roof inspection, you’ll know whether you need to think about repairing or replacing your roof. If the roof is in tip-top shape, then you don’t need to think about anything but the money you’re saving!  

Why is a roof inspection important? 

A roof inspection is important because it gives you the chance to detect problems before they become an even bigger problem. For example, there is a tile missing from the middle of your roof that you had no idea about. There would be no way you noticed it unless you went up there yourself. This one missing tile can create an even bigger problem if not taken care of. Why? Because when it rains, the water can easily get into the interior of the home causing water damage to the walls and ceilings.  

Don’t skip out on a roof inspection, call Almeida Roofing Inc to schedule! We have the roofing specialist that are dedicated to providing our customers with knowledge of their roof. Our goal is to inform you of potential roof problems before they become an actual problem. This saves you money and headaches! For more information and scheduling, call us anytime at Almeida Roofing Inc.! 


Why Do You Need to Maintain Your Roof? 

When you put the care into your roof by having regular maintenance done, it benefits the long-term health and structure of your roof. If you get a new roof and it’s properly installed, it is still important to maintain your investment with annual maintenance. Not only are you increasing the roofs lifespan, it’s also a good peace of mind for you.  

With proper roof maintenance, you’re decreasing the chances of expensive repairs in the future. The roof inspector can see damages starting before they become bigger issues. If you’re not getting regular maintenance, unseen damages can lead to costly repairs to your roof and other areas of the home within a matter of years depending on the problem.  

As mentioned earlier, the roofs lifespan increases with proper maintenance. Annual maintenance is the easiest way to expand the life of your roof and minimize issues. Even after getting a new roof installed, you’re still not off the hook! Protect your investment with regular annual maintenance. A roofs life expectancy is 25+ years. When routine upkeep is performed, you can get that and more!  

Keep your mind at peace and ease knowing the roof over your head is strong enough to protect you and your family. With regular roof maintenance, it will give you peace of mind. The roof inspector could tell you there’s a repair that needs to be done or that your roof is in tip-top shape… Either way, you’ll be satisfied the roof is getting the attention it needs to keep everyone safe. 

Almeida Roofing can provide regular roof maintenance on your residential home or commercial building. Our roof technicians are trained and licensed to perform a proper inspection. They’ll communicate their findings with you, good or bad. If needed, we will give you options on repair or replacement depending on the roofs condition. You can trust Almeida Roofing to provide professional roof care. Call today for questions and scheduling!


Commercial Roofing Maintenance Programs For Business Owners

If you own or manage a Commercial building, you know there are a million different things you’re responsible for. One of those things, is the roof on the building. Roof repairs can be expensive and inconvenient for your business. Having a Roof Maintenance plan would aid in unexpected roof repairs.  

Here in the Phoenix area, we get intense monsoon storms. Heavy rain and high winds can wreak havoc on your roof. It would be unfortunate if the roof collapsed while customers were in your office, store, or restaurant. With a Roof Maintenance Plan, the roofer can detect areas in your roof that may need attention before the storm comes. Having these repairs done during the maintenance will prevent having costly repairs in the future.  

There are various companies in Arizona that offer a Commercial Roofing Maintenance plan. You’ll want to make sure you choose the right contractor for you and your business. While researching, there are items you should verify is included in the maintenance program they’re offering.  

  • The program should lay out the predictable annual and lifetime repair and maintenance costs. 
  • Must contain history reports for the roof along with the inspection checklists, major repairs done, and a detailed plan to execute roof replacement. 
  • Maintenance needs to work in harmony with the other parts of the facility. 
  • Needs to comply with safety.  
  • An annual routine guaranteed schedule. 

Almeida Roofing is a certified and professional roofing company in the Phoenix, Arizona area that has Maintenance Plan options for your office, store, or restaurant. We offer plans that fit your needs and the roofs needs. Our roofing contractors have the skills and tools to ensure your roof keeps you, your employees, and your customers covered. For more information, don’t hesitate to call our office!



Roof repair and maintenance are two tasks that should go hand in hand. If the roof repairs are done and not maintained, the roof is more prone to get penetrated with the similar issue anytime soon. Especially for commercial roofing, it is important that a tight and well-laid maintenance program is set in place to deal with roof related damages and concerns in time.

Even the best roof repair in Glendale cannot withstand the effects of weather, untimely storms or damage if timely visits and attention is not paid to newly laid or repaired roof. The most common issues such as debris blocked drainage and some cuts in the roof are easy to get fixed if given attention on time; however if the same is left unnoticed, these could lead to calling for professional assistance from commercial roofing contractor in Glendale and cause catastrophic roof collapse, failure, along with severe structural damage.

As per the assessment of companies who have set in place a good roof maintenance program claim that it helps to add 10 percent life to their existing roof by taking corrective actions on time.  Listed below are certain steps that can help any commercial set-up to fix a plan taking help from commercial roofing company in Glendale and take proactive measures for energy optimization and cleaning the roof. Some of the effective Tips to Ascertain Quality Roof Installation for selecting a perfect roof management program are enlisted below:

  • Every program should lay down the predictable annual and lifetime repair and maintenance costs that the property owner needs to shell out annually
  • It must contain history reports for the roof along with its periodic inspection checklists, emergency major repairs done, and a detailed five- year foreshadowing plan to execute roof replacement to recognize trends.
  • It must interface with facility’s maintenance system, to work in harmony with the other parts of the facility
  • It must comply with safety concerns and repairs of any sort must be done by roofing service technician
  • For commercial roofing contractors in Glendalea disciplined process needs to be followed that includes placing information in a format that can be easily reviewed and understood by the managements for immediate decision-making.