Why use a Licensed Roofing Contractor? 

The unfortunate truth is that there are individuals who claim to be professional roofers but have little to no credentials. A guy that shows up to your house with a tool bag claiming to be a roofer isn’t always a roofer. Sure, they can give it a try but if you care about your family’s safety and the longevity of the roof, you’ll politely send them on their way!  

Spend the extra time finding a licensed and qualified roofer for these reasons… 

  1. Quality: A licensed roofing contractor has already put the time and effort into following and meeting requirements. A cheap and unlicensed roofer decided to take the lazy, easy, and most likely illegal route. You wouldn’t want that being reflected on your roof! A licensed roofer will ensure your roof is built with quality to keep you and your family safe.  
  1. Knowledge: To become a licensed roofing contractor you must learn, study, past tests, learn more, study more, and pass more tests! If one too many questions get answered wrong, the individual won’t get their license. The dedication and understanding must be there to become a licensed roofing contractor. They will have most if not all the answers to your questions and be able to properly install a new roof with confidence. 
  1. Accurate Estimates & Contracts: A licensed contractor will take the time to provide a detailed estimate so you aren’t hit with any surprising fees. You’ll know what your money is going towards and won’t have the feeling like they’re taking advantage of you. 
  1. Legality: Using a licensed roofing contractor gives you legal security in case something did go south. The roofing company will have general liability insurance and worker’s compensation. This will cover damage done by the roofers in the event something like that does happen because hey, we’re still human. 

Have the peace of mind knowing your roof will be installed properly when you use a licensed roofing company like Almeida Roofing Inc. We demonstrate our quality, knowledge, accuracy, and compliance to every customer we meet and through every roof we install. For an estimate on a new roof in the Phoenix, Arizona area, call Almeida Roofing Inc at 602-743-3175

Roofing Repair in Phoenix, AZ

As a homeowner, you go through different stresses that occur usually at the worst times. A/C goes out during a birthday party in July, the toilet is out of order while your in-laws are in town, or the ceiling collapsing during a family dinner. Sound like a memory of one of yours?  

When these unfortunate events happen, you want to have a trusted company ready to dial in your cell phone. For your A/C in the summer, have an HVAC contractor in mind. When the toilet takes a dump, have the plumber’s number handy. Most importantly, when you need roof repair, have your roofing contractor’s number on speed dial! 

The roofing contractor you can trust to call for all roof repair needs is Almedia Roofing Inc. at 602-743-3175. Keep our number saved in your phone so when you have an emergency roof issue, you can call us right away! Our licensed and certified roofing experts have the knowledge and skills to handle any roof repair, big or small. We take pride in our work and demonstrate that through our positive customer service. Let Almeida Roofing Inc. demonstrate this for you! 

For all roofing repairs, call the experts at 602-743-3175. 

Flat Tile Roof Damage Repair in Phoenix, AZ 

There are different types of roofs we see in Arizona and one of those is flat tile roofs. Like with anything really, overtime issues and damage occur. It is common for flat roofs to weaken and crack. It’s not uncommon for us to get calls for water leaking into the home because there is a roof crack somewhere. When this happens, you’ll want to get it repaired asap to avoid major problems and costly repairs.    

How does the damage occur in the first place? There are various ways your roof can get damaged. Sometimes the weather gets crazy during monsoon season with high winds causing branches and other debris to fall on your roof. It doesn’t take a whole lot of strength or weight to crack a roof tile. With that being said, try avoid walking on your roof. If it is absolutely necessary for you or a service provider to be up there, walk as if you were as light as a feather!  

If you notice water damage, call a roofing contractor right away. The roof could have a crack causing a water leak and you really don’t want to put repairs off. Doing so will result in more issues and more money. Almeida Roofing can inspect your roof and give you options. We have certified and trained roofing specialist who know how to repair, replace, and maintain your roof.

Call us today! 602-743-3175