Can snakes get on your roof? 

We’ve all heard of “Snakes on a Plane” but have you heard “snakes on a roof”?! If not, I’m here to tell you that it is 100% possible and 1,000,000,000% SCARY. To make it even worse, they can get into your attic space, into the ceiling, and walls! These spaces are dark, warm, and humid making it a snake’s favorite shelter. While it’s great for Slinky the slithering snake, you may not get those same feelings.  

How do snakes get on the roof and into the house? 

Snakes are sneaky climbers that can go up to your roof and enter the home through small gaps, vent openings, gaps around the doors, and wherever else they can get through. 

Why do snakes enter houses? 

As stated previously, they like dark, warm, and humid areas. What could be more perfect than your attic in the middle of monsoon season?!  

Signs there is a snake in the attic 

  1. Shed skins and droppings 
  1. Slither tracks 
  1. Slow moving scratches noises 

What to do if there is a snake is the attic 

Call pest control! It is advised against to go after the snake yourself. Unfortunately, here in Arizona, we have snakes that are venomous and will kill us if bit. If you’re not sure where the snake is located, you can try putting snake traps in and around the house and roof.  

Is your roof summer ready? 

The summers here in the Phoenix, Arizona area can be brutal when you combine the heat, humidity, and wind. Not only are we sweating in the 110+ degree weather, we will also be sticky from all the moisture monsoon season brings! If you’re complaining, how do you think your roof feels?  

Take-charge of your roof’s health by being proactive in ensuring it’s ready for summer and monsoon season! 

Trim Branches 

Get out the yard tools or call a landscaper to trim branches away from the roof. The trees may provide you a shaded roof but branches too close will eventually cause damage. When monsoon season brings high wind conditions, those tree branches can whip and break, causing harm to the gutters and/or tiles.  

Clean Roof & Gutters 

Clean the roof and gutters before the monsoon rain comes in. The leaves and other debris that accumulated over the months, need to be removed to ensure proper water drainage. This will guarantee water doesn’t get trapped, sit, and cause damage.  

Schedule Inspection 

The Arizona heat and sun are harsh on our roofs. This combination will cause roofing material to become brittle and crack. It is recommended to have a roof inspection done once a year to check for issues like loose gutters, cracked tiles, and other damaged roofing material.  


Most people will agree spending money on repairing your roof instead of remodeling the bathroom just doesn’t give you the same happy feeling… I agree! However, it is the better decision. Getting repairs done proactively will save you lots of money in the long run! 

Almeida Roofing Inc. 

We aim to be helpful where we can even if it’s just a few simple maintenance tips. Hopefully you’re ready to get going on your roof’s maintenance with the above guide. For more information, Almeida Roofing Inc. is happy to assist! 602-743-3175 

Why should I hire a professional roofer? 

Has the time come to fork out money for a new roof? As financially frustrating as it is to spend thousands of dollars on something that isn’t as exciting as a new car or even a new couch, it is still important. We don’t always like prioritizing but when it comes to the safety of you and your family, it’s impossible not to. So now that you’ve accepted the fact that you’re on the market for a new roof, it’s time to find a roofing contractor to do the job. 

Why do you need a licensed and professional roofer? Well, because when it comes to the sturdiness of your roof and safety of every living being inside the home, you don’t want some joe shmoe off the street who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Unfortunately, we can’t trust everyone we meet no matter how nice they may be and we must spend more to get more. Just because joe tells you he’s licensed and knows what he’s doing, does not mean that is accurate. And just with anything else, you pay for quality. When you get a new roof installed by a certified and licensed roofing contractor, you get quality, professionalism, a good warranty, and peace of mind. 

Your house is a place you make a home. If you don’t feel safe and secure, then are you really at home? Without a sturdy roof over your head, it’s hard to feel safe. I get it… I’d be a little worried too if I knew my roof was in rough shape. The image of my roof caving in on me during my favorite movie would be enough to send me to the bank to pull out all my money to give to the next roofing company I saw. Luckily, I know a licensed, professional, and certified roofing contractor here in Phoenix, Arizona! 

Almeida Roofing Inc. is your Phoenix, Arizona roofer ready to install a new roof for you, your family, and friends! Our goal is to ensure you feel safe under your brand-new roof installed by us. We will answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. We’re understanding and want you to feel comfortable with us. To schedule a roof replacement estimate with one of our roofing specialists, call 602-743-3175

Do solar panels damage the roof? 

We live in Arizona where the sun does nothing but shine. Thanks to Charles Fritts, inventor of the first solar cell, we can use that glorious sunlight to our advantage by lowering energy costs in our homes and businesses. The benefits of installing a solar system are many but people often wonder what damage can happen to their roof.   

Hopefully we can put your mind at ease when we say, solar panels are not harmful to your roof and can actually be beneficial. of course, as long as a licensed and trained solar expert installs the solar system. Solar panels are kind to your roof in the way they offer it shade and protection from the outside elements. The shade helps to keep the roof cooler in our brutal Arizona summers. Solar panels protect your roof from those crazy monsoon storms too by providing that barrier to block debris from doing damage to the roof. 

While getting a solar system does not mean damage to your roof, it is possible if you choose the wrong contractor to do the job. Do your research, pay for quality, and ensure you’re comfortable with your decision. Take the time to investigate 3 solar specialists nearby by checking out their website, verifying their licenses, reading reviews, getting warranty information, and scheduling estimate appointments with each contractor. Whoever has the best warranty, fair price, and finest customer service, is your new solar expert installer. And remember, CHEAPEST IS NOT THE BESTEST! CHOOSE QUALITY. 

Almeida Roofing Inc. is here for any roof repair or roof replacement if you’ve already picked the wrong solar installer! Or, if you just want to be cautious, we can also perform a roof inspection after the solar system has been installed. Either way, Almeida Roofing Inc. is ready to take your phone call, get you scheduled, and service your roof. For scheduling and more information, call our roofing experts at 602-743-3175

Cool off your roof this summer  

The Arizona heat has finally arrived! I think we can all agree our air conditioning systems are a highly appreciated necessity but are so expensive to utilize during the summer. They struggle to keep our homes cool and need all the help we can give them. One way of doing that is lowering the head load our home intakes by summer proofing the roof! Check out these tips on how to keep your roof cool this summer.  

Attic & Wall Insulation- Keeping your attic cool helps to keep the rest of the home cool. If there isn’t proper insulation in the attic and walls to provide that barrier from the outside heat, the heat has no choice but to enter the home.  

Paint the Roof- You’ve heard of “painting the roses red” but what about “painting the roof white”? The phrase doesn’t sound as good but that is irrelevant because painting the roof white is actually beneficial! The lighter the roof color, the more heat is reflected off your roof and home.  

Shade- Research the kind of tree you want that will grow to be tall enough to offer the roof lots of shade. Hell, plant 5 trees around your house for shade! However, do keep in mind to plant them far enough away from the house to avoid branches falling onto the roof.  

Solar Panels- There are 2 immediate benefits to installing a solar system on your roof.. One, the energy savings reflected on your bill of course. Two, the additional shade for your roof!  

Almeida Roofing Inc. hopes these few tips help to keep you and your roof cool this summer! For any roof repairs or roof replacement, we are just one phone call away. Our roofing specialists can help address any questions or concerns you may have about your roof. We take pride in what we do and demonstrate that through our exceptional customer service.

Call the roofing pros at Almeida Roofing Inc. 602-743-3175 

Roof replacement estimates for your forever home

Making that ultimate choice to reside in a house and stay there until you leave this world brings peace and joy. It’s like reaching the finish line of living experiences. You went through apartments, studios, house rentals, and finally made it to your final home.  

When we first start out as young adults, we typically get an apartment, maybe even with a roommate. When the apartment starts to get tight, we then rent a home. After finishing college or saving enough money, we then buy a home. A few years later we finally meet the right one, get married, and have babies. The 3-bedroom house you bought now is too small for you and your family so, then you buy a bigger house. Some families stay for a while, while other families may have to move a few more times for work. Eventually, the kids get older and move out and now it’s you and your spouse in this big 4,000 sq ft house. With age comes aches and pains making it difficult to keep up with that much house. You and your spouse make that decision to move into something smaller for the rest of your lives.  

During the time of being in your forever home, you may have to replace things around the house. You don’t last forever and neither does your roof. People don’t commonly take this into consideration and can be really surprised when they have no choice but to replace their roof. It can be stressful mentally and financially. This is why you want to be prepared and find a roofing contractor you can trust. With Almeida Roofing Inc., you’ll have peace of mind knowing you and your new roof will be taken care of. Call us for roof estimates! 602-743-3175