How Often Should I Reseal My Flat Roof?

For homeowners or business owners with a flat roof, you’ll want to prevent roof problems before they occur. A flat roof that is maintained properly can tolerate the outside elements and protect you and your family for years to come. However, not routinely doing the maintenance can lead to expensive repairs or replacement.

A part of flat roof maintenance is to reseal. Having your flat roof resealed safeguards it’s durability and integrity by keeping it waterproofed and insulated. Overlooking this important step in maintaining your flat roof, can result in leaks and other damage.

Every 5-7 years is the average timeframe to reseal a roof in order to maintain it’s durability.

Signs your flat roof needs to be resealed:

  1. Cracks or Splits: Observe for cracks or splits on the roof. This indicates that the coating is failing and vulnerable to leaks.
  2. Pooled Water: After a rainstorm, if there is a pool of water on your roof for a couple of days, it’s possible the sealant has weakened and no longer has it’s durability to protect from leaks.
  3. Bubbles: When the waterproof layer is no longer together, the trapped moisture causes bubbles.
  4. Discoloration: The harsh UV rays cause discoloration and the coating to become thin.
  5. Peeling: The roof needs to be resealed when there is peeling or flaking.

If you see any of these signs, Almeida Roofing Inc. can help! Our roofers who specialize in flat roofs, are ready to inspect, maintain, repair, or replace your roof. Whatever you need, Almeida Roofing Inc. is just a phone call away!


Questions to ask before hiring a Roofing Contractor

The most important investment you’ll make towards your home, is the roof. Regardless if you’re repairing or replacing it, the roofing contractor you choose will determine the overall quality and durability. Having a roof properly installed is crucial when wanting the manufacturer limited warranty coverage on your shingles. Selecting the right roofer to get the job done right, is important. In this blog, we will go over the questions to ask your roofer to ensure you’re making the best decision possible.

Questions to Ask:

  1. Do you have insurance?- The roofing contractor NEEDS to have insurance. It is necessary to have insurance to protect their company as well as yourself in the event an accident occurs.
  2. Do you have a license?- In the state of Arizona, roofers are required to have an ROC license to legally do roof work.
  3. What is your permanent address?- To ensure you’re not left in the dust if something goes wrong, ensure there is a physical address you can go to if worst case scenario.
  4. Are there before and after pictures of previous jobs?- Before and after pictures can give you a good visual representation of what is to be expected.
  5. How many years of experience do you have?- If there website doesn’t say how long they’ve been in business, ask them. It’s likely they haven’t been in business for long if they didn’t put it on the home page of their website.
  6. Are there honest reviews?- To get honest input about this company, read as many reviews as possible, good and bad.
  7. What do you specialize in doing?- Some roofers may specialize in one thing in particular like skylights. Find a roofing expert that specializes in what you need.
  8. What type of training and education do you have?- You’ll want to ensure the roofers are up-to-date on their training and education as new methods and materials develop.
  9. Is a building permit or other approvals required?- This answer depends on your area and their building codes. On Residential properties, HOA might want approval prior to work being performed.
  10. What is the payment process?- Prior to choosing a contractor, have an understanding of what the payment schedule will be like. While it’s acceptable to ask for a deposit before starting work, use caution with contractors who ask for a large amount.

Find a Phoenix, AZ Roofer-

Almeida Roofing Inc. is your Phoenix, Arizona roofing company founded over 40 years ago! Our family-owned business is led with expertise, experience, and quality. On every roof installation, roof repair, and preventative maintenance job, our skilled and knowledgeable roofers are eager to get the job done and get it done right. We take pride in our work and demonstrate that in every roof we touch.

For more information on how we can help your roof, call us at 602-743-3175.

Common Roof Problems- Phoenix, AZ

For homeowners who live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, know how brutal the summertime can be for us and our homes. Not only is the sun and heat causing us to almost pass out, but our roofs also endure some intense weather day in and day out that can create damage. Though we are known for our dry heat, Arizona has other weather conditions that create havoc for us homeowners. In this blog, we will go over the common roof problems we experience and solutions to ensure your roof remains sturdy and durable all year long.


Overtime, the harsh Arizona sun can be very brutal on our roofs. The roofing materials are deteriorating day by day being exposed to extreme temperatures and harmful UV rays. Asphalt shingles can crack, warp, or lose their granules due to the harsh outside heat.

With routine inspections, you will see signs of heat damage and have the opportunity to fix it before it becomes a bigger problem. If you’re in the market to replace your asphalt roof, consider using heat resistant materials such as tiles or metal. Or, your roofing contractor can apply a reflective roof coating to reduce the amount of heat being absorbed.


We love our monsoon seasons! Heavy rainfall, intense winds, and sometimes hail is exciting to us… like we don’t see it every year. Though it’s fun to watch, our roofs can suffer from structural damage and water leaks.

Prevent water from gathering on your roof by ensuring their is proper drainage. Routinely remove dirt and debris from the gutters and downspouts. Check for loose and damaged tiles or shingles.

Expand and Contract

During the heat of the day, the roof materials will expand while at night, they contract. This thermal shock overtime, causes the materials to lose it’s durability and break.

When replacing your roof, ask for materials that pose less of a thermal shock phenomenon. If you’re not replacing, routine inspections can assist in detecting early signs of damage. Having proper attic insulation can also minimize the effects of thermal shock.

Dust & Debris

We live in a state full of desert. The dust and debris buildup on your roof potentially blocking drains and gutters. When the water has no where to go but to stay sitting on your roof, this can lead to leaks.

Regularly inspect and clean your roof. Debris such as sticks, leaves, branches and dust can accumulate.

Harmful UV Rays

Excessive UV ray exposure breaks down roofing materials causing them to be brittle and lose their durability. This can result in leaks and decreased lifespan.

If it’s too late to choose UV-friendly roofing materials, apply a UV-protectant coating. Don’t skip out on routine maintenance as this can catch early signs of deteriorating roofing materials.


With every roof, comes a roofer who installed it. If your roof wasn’t properly installed by a knowledgeable, experienced, and licensed roofer, this can create issues like leaks and worst of all, collapse.

Find an honest and experienced roofer in your area. They will use the correct skills and materials to meet yours and your roofs standards.


In extremely hot climates, it is imperative to have proper roof and attic ventilation. Without proper ventilation, the increased heat under your roof can cause materials to deteriorate at a faster rate.

Be sure your attic is properly insulated and their is adequate ventilation allowing the hot air to escape.

Animals & Insects

Animals and insects create havoc to our roof with their nesting, chewing, and burrowing.

Yearly inspections aid in spotting early signs of rodent or pest damage. If this is the case, hire someone to get rid of these animals or insects.

When you proactively schedule your yearly inspections and address any concerns, you’re already farther ahead than your average homeowner who doesn’t pay attention to the roof over their head. If you need a trusted roofing contractor, Almeida Roofing Inc. is here to save the day! Our experts will inspect and document any findings to go over with you with options provided. For any questions or to schedule your per-summer roof inspection, call 602-743-3175.

Protect Your Roof From The Arizona Heat

Arizona is known for it’s dry desert and scorching hot summers. These high temperatures are harsh on us Arizonians and our homes roof. While we hide inside, our roof is taking the brunt of these unbearable temperatures. The extreme heat can lead to various issues for your roof, if not corrected right away.

What does the Arizona heat do to my roof?

Arizona’s extremely hot summers can cause destruction to our homes roof.

  1. Thermal Expansion & Contraction- The sudden temperature variations from morning to the evening cause roofing materials to expand during the day when it’s hot and contract during the night when it is cooler outside. Eventually, this can cause cracks, warping, and a reduced roof lifespan.
  2. UV Radiation- Your roofing materials are affected by the intense ultraviolet rays. The rays can breakdown roofing materials causing them to lose their durability and lessen lifespan.
  3. Blistering- Heat-related blistering is caused by trapped moisture getting hot causing the moisture to expand and form blisters. When these blisters are sitting under your roof materials, they can lead to leaks.

Roof Maintenance

If you want to protect your roof from the harsh Arizona heat, start implementing these proactive practices:

  1. Annual Roof Inspections
  2. Clear Debris
  3. Inspect and seal leaks
  4. Repair damaged areas

Why are annual roof inspections important?

Routine maintenance for your roof is important for longevity and avoiding costly, unexpected repairs. This is why:

  1. Preparation- Getting your roof inspected can aid in finding minor issues and repairing them before the damage becomes extensive and expensive.
  2. Home Value- A home that has a sturdy, maintained, and beautiful roof has a curb appeal buyer’s wouldn’t want to pass up.

Don’t let the Arizona heat damage your roof. Be sure to do your part in maintenance and calling Almeida Roofing INC. every year to schedule a roof inspection with one of our roofing experts. We look forward to hearing from you!


Lifespan of Spray Foam Roofing

What is Spray Foam Roofing?

Spray foam roofing is the process of spraying a liquid coat that transitions to a foam like texture eventually creating a solid layer over your roof. The purpose of spray foaming the roof is to improve energy efficiency and interior comfort.

What is the lifespan of spray foam?

With proper maintenance, spray foamed roofs can last 30-50+ years! The overall lifespan of your roof is also dependent on the environment and the types of weather conditions it endures. Roof maintenance and inspections should be done twice a year to ensure longevity of your roof.

Foam Roof Maintenance

To ensure the lifespan of your spray foamed roof, proper maintenance twice a year is highly recommended. Regular maintenance is necessary for the roofs durability and sturdiness.

Here are some ways to maintain your foamed roof:

  1. Roof Inspection 2x a Year
  2. Inspect roof for damages
  3. Keep roof clear of debris
  4. Look for any discoloration or changes on the surface

Need a Roofing Contractor?

Look no further than Almeida Roofing Inc.! When you’re ready to get your roof spray foamed, we’re ready to get the job done. Our professional roofers have the proper tools and extensive knowledge to get any roof spray foamed right. For more information, visit our website or give us a call!


How do you maintain a Foam Roof?

Having a planned out maintenance routine is wise for any type of roof. For spray foam roofs, it is very important to stay on top of maintenance, even though the foam is very durable. The goal is to take hold of the small issues that may lead eventually to bigger issues. The foam will break down after a while in the sun. If this remains unaddressed, the foam will eventually burn away. As for winter season, excessive winds can cause debris that may damage the roof. This will lead to more issues which may include a whole new repair.

When is the best time to Maintain?

The best time to maintain a foam roof would be early in the year during spring time or during the late fall close to the end of the year. This is recommended due to the weather conditions that may occur in the summer and winter. Having a foam roof installed during these times helps the new roof be prepared for weather change. It is also good to do inspections during the spring and fall months to ensure the roof is in a good state. Also, make sure an inspection is done following a roof AC repair to make sure the roof is in good shape.

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Tile Roofs VS Shingle Roofs

Tile Roofs

Tile roofs cost more than shingle roofs and take longer to set up and install. Tile roofs last longer than shingle roofs and hold their value much longer. Tile roofs weigh more than shingle roofs. Making sure your home can support tile roofs is a key factor.

Shingle Roofs

Shingle roofs are way cheaper than tile roofs. However, shingle roofs do not last as long. Being that shingles are lightweight, they are often damaged from excessive winds. Shingles are the best affordable roof option, however longevity is quite the opposite.

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Does Foam Roofing Save you Money?

Lower Energy Bills?

The materials used in the foam can help reduce your energy bill! The materials provide insulation which helps seal to prevent outside water from leaking in.

Proper Structure?

The Foam can be sealed and stay sealed for a long time. The foam can withstand rain, and strong winds which helps reduce cost of damage or leaks.

How does it drain?

Foam roofs can provide ranges of thickness in different areas of the roof. This can help guide water to drain out. This helps reduce any type of water leakage or drain issue and can save you money!

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Hiring a Roof Inspector After a Storm 

When was the last time you had a roof inspection done? Most homeowners have either never had their roof inspected or have only had it done once or twice.  

Your roof goes through a lot defending you and your family against the outside elements. When there is hot sun, cold rain, intense winds, and hail, your roof keeps you safe through it all. It’s crucial to get a professional roof inspection done by a certified contractor after a storm. All of nature’s elements affect the condition of your roof. To ensure you’re protecting your family in a sheltered home, it’s imperative to also protect your roof. When you schedule a roof inspection, you’re taking the first step in protecting the roof. 

Roof inspections after a storm give you the opportunity to repair any damage that may have occurred. How can a storm damage my roof? 

  1. Hail damage can easily occur when it comes down in unbelievable sizes. From the size of a pea to the size of a soccer ball, when there is an awful hailstorm be sure to schedule a roof inspection. 
  1. Intense winds can do damage to roof shingles and even blow them off your roof. The strong winds also cause heavy tree limbs to fall onto the roof causing damage. 
  1. Heavy rainfall can cause the surfacing on the shingles to wear down and lose its durability. If you’re in an area that experiences monsoon storms and consistent rain, regular inspections are important to ensure the shingles are in good condition. 

When you choose to take care of the roof over your head, the benefits are many. A roof inspector will assess all damage that might be difficult to see, will bring all issues to your attention whether they’re big or small, know what they’re looking for, and save you money over time. Don’t wait until catastrophic damage occurs to repair your roof, schedule a roof inspection and proceed with repairs annually. This will save you money in the long run.  

Need a trusted roofing company in your contact list? Add Almeida Roofing Inc. 623-375-3175 

Roof Inspections & Preventative Maintenance

For homeowners, the stability and strength of the structure of their home is often overlooked. We would rather spend our money and efforts upgrading the kitchen and bathrooms. I don’t blame you, I’m the same way. However, if we don’t ensure our homes are structurally solid, those beautiful teal cabinets and white marble countertops can easily be destroyed.  

How do you avoid that from happening? For starters, you’ll want to make sure the roof over your head isn’t going to come crashing down on you. This requires regular roof inspections annually and preventative maintenance.  

During a roof inspection, the roofing specialist will do a thorough inspection in and outside the home. If they find any damage or areas of concern, they will bring them to your attention and provide repair or replacement options if necessary. Most roofing contractors offer financing so you can give your home the attention it needs without worrying about financial stress.  

To avoid unnecessary roof damage, there are things you can do: 

  1. Trim back branches on tall trees close to the house. 
  1. Clear gutters. 
  1. Check for broken tiles or shingles.  
  1. Keep the roof free of debris 
  1. Schedule annual roof inspections with a trusted roofing contractor. 

Don’t have a trusted roofing contractor in your contact list?

No problem. Now you do! Almeida Roofing Inc. 623-743-3175. Our trained and certified roof inspectors have the knowledge and skills to inspect any roof! With each roof they inspect, professionalism and care are demonstrated from start to finish. For more information on roofing services Almeida Roofing Inc. can provide you, give us a call or check out our website.