Prepare Your Roof for Winter
Even though our winter here in Arizona isn’t as extreme as other areas in the country, we get occasionally stunned with heavy rain fall, hail, and intense winds. Your roof needs to be protected from any type of weather condition. The most important thing homeowners could do as winter approaches, is to ensure the roof is strong and in good condition. Experienced roofers suggest these tips to prepare your roof for the winter months…
- Clean Gutters- Over time, your gutters collect leaves, twigs, and debris. The gutters should be cleaned out 1-2x a year. If you don’t want to hire someone to clean them, you can safely set up a ladder, remove the debris, and use a garden hose to rinse out the gutters. Ensure the gutters are functioning correctly and if they aren’t, hire a professional for repairs.
- Trim Trees- If you have tall trees close to the house, trim them. Trim and maintain trees to ensure sturdiness and assist in keeping the gutters clear. Also, keeping overhanging branches trimmed back reduces the opportunity for branches to fall and damage your roof during a windy storm.
- Roof Sealant- Winter in Phoenix, Arizona during the afternoon is warm and sunny but at night the temperature drastically lowers. The up and down temperature change can negatively impact your roof. When it’s warm during the day, the roof expands and when it’s cold, the roof contracts. These swift temperature changes can cause damage to the gutters and roof system. Apply roof sealant. Roof sealant helps to maintain a steady temperature so it’s not expanding and contracting. Additionally, roof sealant protects from water damage!
- Roof Inspection- Call a trusted roofing company to schedule a roof inspection. Experienced roofers can see if there are any areas that may need to be repaired. If damage is found, they can provide options to either repair or replace the roof.
Trusted & Reliable Roofing Company- Almeida Roofing Inc.
If you need a roofer, Almeida Roofing would love to earn your trust and business. We have trained roofing professionals ready to service your roof to ensure it’s ready for this winter. Let us make sure you and your family stay warm all winter long.
Give us a call @ 602-743-3175
When is the ideal time to get my roof inspected?
As an Arizona homeowner, you might already know how important it is to have your roof inspected by a professional roofing contractor. An expert roofer can tell you if there is any damages or areas of concern. The more you have your roof inspected, the better.
How often you get your roof inspected depends on the type of roof you have. Factors like weather conditions, size, and location also impact how often your roof should be inspected.
Read further to learn more about roof inspections and how often to get your roof inspected.
✅ Catch small problems before they become big ones.
✅ Saves money on costly repairs.
✅ Prevention
Regular Roof Inspections:
Scheduling routine roof inspections and maintenance is a great way to reduce roof damages that can cause bigger issues like leaks and internal damage. A general rule of thumb is to have an experienced roofer inspect your roof at least twice a year, during the spring and fall.
Self Roof Inspection:
It’s okay to check the roof yourself for things like damaged or missing shingles but it does take a thorough roof inspection by someone who knows what they’re doing to ensure your roofs durability. Having a successful roof inspection done takes time and experience. Hiring an expert roof inspector is best because they have more experience, tools, skills, and knowledge. The roof inspector is able to thoroughly go through your roof system to spot damages and areas of concern.
Signs of Needed Roof Repair:
➡️ Leaks
➡️ Increased Electric Bills
➡️Damaged or Lost Shingles
Almeida Roofing Inc.: Roof Inspections and Maintenance
For all types of roof inspections and maintenance, Almeida Roofing Inc. is your go-to roofing expert! Whether your roof needs repair or an inspection, we have the guys to get the job done. Our experienced and knowledgeable roofers have the skills, tools, and desire to ensure each roof is in tip-top shape!
Fall Maintenance for your roof
Fall will be here in Arizona in just a few weeks… we hope so anyways! That means cooler weather and falling leaves. As we go through the hustle and bustle of what the next couple of seasons bring, take some time to consider your roof. Get your roof prepared for the fall season before getting carried away with holiday shopping. Some fall roof maintenance tips you can follow are listed below.
Clear the Gutters- Clear and clean the gutters of leaves, twigs, and debris. Over time, debris can buildup and block the gutters. When the gutters are clogged, water can not flow down them as intended. If the water pools on your roof because of this, damage from excessive moisture can occur.
Inspect Attic- Take a look around in the attic. IF you see insulation covering vents, clear it. It’s important there is air circulation in the attic. Also, if you see evidence of rodents, birds, or termites, can them removed.
Trim Trees- If you have tall trees around your home, be sure to cut back any branches that over hang. When branches fall onto the roof, they can cause damage. To avoid this, cut them back.
Clear the Roof- While you’re up there, clear the roof of any debris, branches, leaves, or twigs after trimming the trees. Having a buildup of this can eventually get into your gutters and as listed earlier, you don’t want those getting clogged.
Roof Inspection- Find your local roofing company to schedule a roof inspection. During the roof inspection, the roofer will look through your roof top to bottom taking notes of concerns and damages. They will present you with options to correct the issues. Getting these problems corrected sooner rather than later, reduces the likelihood for extensive damages that will result in costly repairs or replacement.
Almeida Roofing Inc.- Roof Inspection
Almeida Roofing Inc. is your local roofing contractor who does fall roof maintenance. Our knowledgeable and experienced roofing experts will complete a thorough roof inspection and present options, if needed. If your roof does require repairs, our crew is experienced in roof repairs too! Call us to get more information and schedule your roof inspection…
Almeida Roofing Inc. is licensed and insured! ✅
Ways To Drain Water Off A Flat Roof
Typically, flat roofs are used on commercial buildings and particular home designs because they withstand harsh elements such as hail, strong winds, and animals.
Though flat roofs are resistant to the outdoor elements, they still have their downfalls. Flat roofs are vulnerable to water damage because unlike sloped roofs, the water just sits there on the roof, unless you install a proper drainage system. Yes, it’s called a flat roof but did you know they actually aren’t completely flat? There should be a slight slant toward the drains to ensure the water is directed in the direction of the drain system.
There are different drain systems to consider, including;
- Inner Drains- Installed within the roof or the parapet wall, inner drains prevent the pipes from being visible allowing the building’s look to remain aesthetically pleasing. The inner drains are commonly located in the middle of the roof. Inner drains are mainly used for large roofs on commercial buildings.
- Scuppers- This simple draining method includes broad openings on the outer wall of the building that allow the water to go from the edge of the roof, down through the downspouts underneath them. The purpose of the downspouts is to prevent water damage to the walls. Scuppers are beneficial for flat roofs because they don’t get clogged easily and they’re easier to maintain.
- Gutters- Installed along the side of the roof, gutters offer a direct path for water to travel down a pipe or downspout. The gutter drainage system is typically used on smaller buildings and is most cost-effective. However, you’ll want to ensure that you’re occasionally taking the time to clear out any debris that are causing a clog in the gutters.
- Siphonic Roof Drain- Using a gravity-induced vacuum pump to clear away the water, you can choose a siphonic roof drain system. This vacuum is attached to various drain openings that quickly draws the water from the roofs surface. A siphonic roof drain system is beneficial for vast roofs that are in an area of frequent rainfall.
Looking for a roofer to install a flat roof drainage system for your home or business? Look no further than Almeida Roofing inc.! We have the knowledge, tools, and crew to get your roof drainage system properly installed. In our state where we endure intense monsoon storms, Almeida Roofing Inc. has you covered! Call today to schedule a quote on a flat roof drainage system for your roof.
📞 602-743-3175
Shingle Roofs!
Types of Shingles
Yes, there are many different types of shingle roofs! Most commonly used shingles are the asphalt shingles. There are 3-tab asphalt shingles which are the cheapest option. These shingles can last anywhere between 15-20 years depending on weather conditions. There is a more expensive shingle called architectural asphalt shingles. These last on average 5-10 more years than 3-tab shingles.
3-Tab Shingle Benefits/Drawbacks
3-Tab Shingles are the cheapest options. This is definitely a great option for a low budget. These shingles can also come in a variety of color choices. This creates more creativity and variety for the roof. The drawbacks of 3-Tab Shingle Roofs is they need to be regularly maintained. When extreme winds, hail, and freeze temperatures hit, these can damage and wear the shingles. If you live somewhere where there is extreme weather and winds, it is best not to choose shingle roofs.
Solar Shingles
Solar shingles are used to provide clean energy. However, they are less effective than solar panels. The solar shingles are less noticeable than solar panels and give a more clean look. Most solar shingles typically cover a small portion of the roof. This means you would need to select another type of shingle for the remainder of the roof. Solar shingles can withstand higher winds and extreme weather. However, be careful, some homeowners don’t allow installation of solar shingles.
How do you maintain a Foam Roof?
Having a planned out maintenance routine is wise for any type of roof. For spray foam roofs, it is very important to stay on top of maintenance, even though the foam is very durable. The goal is to take hold of the small issues that may lead eventually to bigger issues. The foam will break down after a while in the sun. If this remains unaddressed, the foam will eventually burn away. As for winter season, excessive winds can cause debris that may damage the roof. This will lead to more issues which may include a whole new repair.
When is the best time to Maintain?
The best time to maintain a foam roof would be early in the year during spring time or during the late fall close to the end of the year. This is recommended due to the weather conditions that may occur in the summer and winter. Having a foam roof installed during these times helps the new roof be prepared for weather change. It is also good to do inspections during the spring and fall months to ensure the roof is in a good state. Also, make sure an inspection is done following a roof AC repair to make sure the roof is in good shape.
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Hiring a Roof Inspector After a Storm
When was the last time you had a roof inspection done? Most homeowners have either never had their roof inspected or have only had it done once or twice.
Your roof goes through a lot defending you and your family against the outside elements. When there is hot sun, cold rain, intense winds, and hail, your roof keeps you safe through it all. It’s crucial to get a professional roof inspection done by a certified contractor after a storm. All of nature’s elements affect the condition of your roof. To ensure you’re protecting your family in a sheltered home, it’s imperative to also protect your roof. When you schedule a roof inspection, you’re taking the first step in protecting the roof.
Roof inspections after a storm give you the opportunity to repair any damage that may have occurred. How can a storm damage my roof?
- Hail damage can easily occur when it comes down in unbelievable sizes. From the size of a pea to the size of a soccer ball, when there is an awful hailstorm be sure to schedule a roof inspection.
- Intense winds can do damage to roof shingles and even blow them off your roof. The strong winds also cause heavy tree limbs to fall onto the roof causing damage.
- Heavy rainfall can cause the surfacing on the shingles to wear down and lose its durability. If you’re in an area that experiences monsoon storms and consistent rain, regular inspections are important to ensure the shingles are in good condition.
When you choose to take care of the roof over your head, the benefits are many. A roof inspector will assess all damage that might be difficult to see, will bring all issues to your attention whether they’re big or small, know what they’re looking for, and save you money over time. Don’t wait until catastrophic damage occurs to repair your roof, schedule a roof inspection and proceed with repairs annually. This will save you money in the long run.
Need a trusted roofing company in your contact list? Add Almeida Roofing Inc. 623-375-3175
Roof Inspections & Preventative Maintenance
For homeowners, the stability and strength of the structure of their home is often overlooked. We would rather spend our money and efforts upgrading the kitchen and bathrooms. I don’t blame you, I’m the same way. However, if we don’t ensure our homes are structurally solid, those beautiful teal cabinets and white marble countertops can easily be destroyed.
How do you avoid that from happening? For starters, you’ll want to make sure the roof over your head isn’t going to come crashing down on you. This requires regular roof inspections annually and preventative maintenance.
During a roof inspection, the roofing specialist will do a thorough inspection in and outside the home. If they find any damage or areas of concern, they will bring them to your attention and provide repair or replacement options if necessary. Most roofing contractors offer financing so you can give your home the attention it needs without worrying about financial stress.
To avoid unnecessary roof damage, there are things you can do:
- Trim back branches on tall trees close to the house.
- Clear gutters.
- Check for broken tiles or shingles.
- Keep the roof free of debris
- Schedule annual roof inspections with a trusted roofing contractor.
Don’t have a trusted roofing contractor in your contact list?
No problem. Now you do! Almeida Roofing Inc. 623-743-3175. Our trained and certified roof inspectors have the knowledge and skills to inspect any roof! With each roof they inspect, professionalism and care are demonstrated from start to finish. For more information on roofing services Almeida Roofing Inc. can provide you, give us a call or check out our website.
Can the sun damage my roof?
It’s no surprise that Arizona is on the top 10 list of hottest states. The summer days are sunny, hot, and long! During those 117+ degree days, all you want to do is jump in your cool pool but unfortunately, it ends up being a giant bathtub full of warm water.
Normally by this time, we get a little break from the monsoon rain, but it’s been lacking this year. Everybody and all things have been impacted by the increased temperatures and reduced amount of moisture. This includes your roof no matter what type of material it’s composed of.
Your roof is about 50 degrees hotter than the outside temperature. That means when it’s 117 degrees outside, your roof is roughly sitting at 167 degrees! These brutally high temperatures cause the roofing material to break down creating a higher chance of damage. For example, a lot of Arizona homeowners have asphalt shingles that will eventually develop into loose and brittle shingles. When they become so weak, even a medium-sized tree branch falling and landing on your roof can mean extensive damage. I’m not saying it’s bound to happen to your roof, but the likelihood is there.
What can you do to avoid it? To be fair, you can’t avoid what Mother Nature has to offer. However, what you can do is be proactive in getting your roof inspections done annually. With a roof inspection done by an expert every year, you can know the condition of the roofing materials and take care of any necessary repairs.
Don’t have a trusted roofing expert in your contact list? Now you do! Give Almeida Roofing Inc. a call at 602-743-3175.
Can the heat damage my roof?
We live in one of the hottest states, Arizona. The sun is constantly shining, and the heat is always rising. You might be wondering, can the heat damage my roof? That is a fair question considering the Arizona heat can be harsh on just about anything.
Extreme Heat & Your Roof
When people think of Arizona, the unbearable heat is the first thing to come to mind. Your roof can agree! During the summer when temperatures are at their highest, your roof will reach 150+ degrees. HOT! Those high temperatures lead to the breakdown of roofing materials. Shingles loosen, tiles crack, and even flat roofs bubble.
Roof Inspections
To ensure your roof is in tip-top shape during the summer and winter months, it is recommended to have a roof inspection 2x a year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall. If not twice a year, at least annually.
During an inspection, the roof specialist will check the structural integrity, materials, and signs of damage throughout the ceiling and walls. For any signs of damage, the inspector will bring options for roof repair or replacement. Whether you have loose, broken, or cracked tiles, a licensed roofing contractor can get your roof back in tip-top shape.
Almeida Roofing Inc.
Repairing or replacing your roof might sound like a major hassle, but it doesn’t need to be. Not when you have Almeida Roofing Inc. on your side! Our roofing specialists take pride in their work and demonstrate that on every roof they inspect, repair, or replace. Keeping your roof in great condition starts with a great roofer. Call the roofing professionals at 602-743-3175!