Regular Roof Inspections 

Our roof is the most important part of our home but the most forgotten about. We love to maintain our HVAC system because without that, we’re dying in 115-degree weather. But don’t forget about your roof too! Just because you don’t notice it every day, doesn’t mean it doesn’t need attention.  

Your roof could have a hole and you wouldn’t even know until it was too late. A hole in the roof allows moisture to cause water damage. This water damage will be in your roof and ceiling. Once the ceiling is full enough to the point where it no longer has the strength to hold the water, down it goes onto your living room floor. Not only do you have to pay for roof repair now you also have to fork out money to repair the ceiling too. While we’re at it, let’s add the cost to clean or even replace the floors.  

Do you see how one minor repair could change a series of events from happening? Now let’s back it up further. You wouldn’t know about this hole unless you saw it or were told about it, right? This is where regular roof inspections share their importance. Regular roof inspections are crucial in keeping your roof and ceiling sturdy and intact. The inspector will find any damage that requires attention, so you can repair it before the problem ends up on the floor.  

For regular roof inspections, call the professionals at Almeida Roofing! Our team of inspectors will thoroughly inspect your roof, document their findings, and present you with any repair options if needed. Our goal is to aid in keeping you and your family safe under one sturdy roof. Call us for questions and to schedule a roof inspection today! 602-743-3175 

Suggested Home Roof Maintenance  

Now is the time to complete your roof maintenance checklist! You’ll want to make sure the roof is sturdy and that there are no holes before the monsoon season rolls in. The high winds and heavy rainfalls will cause damage to any roof that isn’t properly maintained. Don’t be that neighbor with a caved in roof after a storm! Read more to start your roof maintenance checklist. 

Roof inspections are crucial in ensuring there aren’t any possible hazards and damage that need to be repaired. It is recommended to have the roof inspected bi-annually. Inspect before monsoon season and after. If any debris or wind caused damage during the storm, you can get it repaired before further issues occur. One minor hole can lead to thousands and thousands of dollars if not taken care of right away.  

Inspect the shingles bi-annually. See if you notice any missing, damaged, curled, or lifted shingles. Any damaged or missing shingles should be replaced right away to avoid further roof damage.    

Trim the trees that are close to your roof. By trimming the trees, you avoid leaves from getting trapped on the roof and branches falling. The leaves being trapped can cause moisture to build and weaken the structure. Branches falling onto the roof can cause damage like holes and weaken the structure.  

When you follow these roof maintenance tips, you’re prolonging the life of the roof and keeping your family safe. For a thorough roof inspection, Almeida Roofing can help! Add us to your maintenance checklist and give us a call when you’re ready to schedule a professional roof inspection. 602-743-3175 

Roof Damage After a Storm 

What a weird couple of weeks it has been with all this rain! Homeowners in Phoenix, Arizona is used to seeing most of the rain activity during monsoon season in the summer months. These storms aren’t just bringing more rain… the wind and hail too! We haven’t had hail in what seems like years! Maybe it’s time to check on your roof… Just think about taking the brunt of all the force your roof is withstanding as it protects you!  

Mother nature sure is beautiful when she pours from the skies but does cause some issues to our roofs. Rain damage is the most common and noticeable roof damage. As your roof weakens and storms continuously beat on it, the material weakens and the shingles start lifting. When this happens, water seeps into the holes and cracks with nowhere to drain… The moisture eventually begins to cause even more damage and can even create problems inside the home.  

Storms in Arizona can be dangerous when the intense winds roll in. We see trampolines flying from backyard to backyard, a wall of dust coming straight at us, and our freshly washed car getting smacked with that wall of dust. What we don’t see is that shingle starting to lift up, completely come off, and fly away! You could be missing many pieces of your roof and you wouldn’t even know unless you checked. This brings us back to water damage because the rain, hail, and occasional snowfall can sit right where your shingles and other roofing materials are supposed to be! 

Hail seems to be showing up more and more out of the blue. These balls of ice range from all different sizes. Some are as small as a pea while others can be as big as a soccer ball! No matter how big or how small, ice hitting your roof does damage. It may not be right away but overtime hail can breakdown the roofs material, creating issues in the future.  

After any storm, you should check your roof or call for an inspection. Almeida Roofing is a professional roofing contractor who services the Phoenix, Arizona area. We can inspect your roof and tell you how well it held up after last week’s storm or give you options if it needs further attention. Take care of your roof by calling the roofing professionals at 602-743-3175.