Protect Your Roof From The Arizona Heat

Arizona is known for it’s dry desert and scorching hot summers. These high temperatures are harsh on us Arizonians and our homes roof. While we hide inside, our roof is taking the brunt of these unbearable temperatures. The extreme heat can lead to various issues for your roof, if not corrected right away.

What does the Arizona heat do to my roof?

Arizona’s extremely hot summers can cause destruction to our homes roof.

  1. Thermal Expansion & Contraction- The sudden temperature variations from morning to the evening cause roofing materials to expand during the day when it’s hot and contract during the night when it is cooler outside. Eventually, this can cause cracks, warping, and a reduced roof lifespan.
  2. UV Radiation- Your roofing materials are affected by the intense ultraviolet rays. The rays can breakdown roofing materials causing them to lose their durability and lessen lifespan.
  3. Blistering- Heat-related blistering is caused by trapped moisture getting hot causing the moisture to expand and form blisters. When these blisters are sitting under your roof materials, they can lead to leaks.

Roof Maintenance

If you want to protect your roof from the harsh Arizona heat, start implementing these proactive practices:

  1. Annual Roof Inspections
  2. Clear Debris
  3. Inspect and seal leaks
  4. Repair damaged areas

Why are annual roof inspections important?

Routine maintenance for your roof is important for longevity and avoiding costly, unexpected repairs. This is why:

  1. Preparation- Getting your roof inspected can aid in finding minor issues and repairing them before the damage becomes extensive and expensive.
  2. Home Value- A home that has a sturdy, maintained, and beautiful roof has a curb appeal buyer’s wouldn’t want to pass up.

Don’t let the Arizona heat damage your roof. Be sure to do your part in maintenance and calling Almeida Roofing INC. every year to schedule a roof inspection with one of our roofing experts. We look forward to hearing from you!
