Shingle Roofs In Arizona – Pros & Cons

Shingle roofs are commonly seen on Arizona homes… Why? With temperatures fluctuating day & night and the crazy monsoon storms during the summer, we need a roof that can handle the conditions Arizona has to offer. Our homes must have durable roofs that can withstand the unpredictable climate variations. Here is a quick review of the pros and cons of using shingle roofs.


  • Versatility – Shingle roofs can be made of materials like asphalt fiberglass, wooden shingles, metal, slate, tile etc. 
  • Inexpensive – Shingles are one of the most inexpensive roofing options. Material used for shingles have different costs so you have various options to choose from that works best for you.
  • Easy Installation and Maintenance – Arizona roofing companies can easily and proficiently install shingle roofs. Regular maintenance is recommended to keep shingles clean and safe. 
  • Fire Resistant – Shingles are fairly fire-resistant. Asphalt shingles can last 2 hours before catching fire unlike wooden shingles. Asphalt fiberglass shingles are the most fire-resistant among all other types of shingles.
  • Easily Available – Shingles are easily found everywhere and anywhere. Available in different shapes types and colors too!


  • Lifespan – Metal and slate shingles are durable up to 50 years, but few shingles like asphalt, tile and wood are decreased to 30-35 years in life expectancy.
  • Regular Inspection Required – Although the roof maintenance and repair is easy, regular inspection is required to avoid any damage.
  • Vulnerable to Mildew – Improper roof installation, ventilation and leaks can lead to mold, mildew, and fungi.

People choose shingle roofs over other roofing types as it’s inexpensive, durable, and easily available in Arizona.

Asphalt Roof Installation is done by the professional roofing expert, Almeida Roofing. To learn more and get a quote, give us a call! 602-743-3175

Three Types Of Roofs

Climate in and around Phoenix, Arizona homes has a hotter climate in most part of the year. So, the selection of roof has to be in line with the weather conditions. Every homemaker has special concerns about building as well as renovating the home. Since roof is an important part of any home, its selection has to be considered after keeping the weather in mind.

Most of the commercial roofing companies come up with choice of three major types of roofs that do well in the AZ homes i.e. Tile, Shingle and Foam roofs. While all these roofs are the common recommendations made by any reputed Phoenix Roofing Company, some work better than others and are more adaptable to certain weather conditions. Below given is the detailed description of roofs that are best recommendations given by Phoenix Roofers.

The Topmost Three Types Of Roofs Suitable For Phoenix Climate :

Tile Roofing – This type of roofing has come up as an alluring option, and is regarded as quite durable. Generally it is made of clay, but also comes in lighter weight materials constructions to suit different needs and purposes. Where on one hand, hard clay can withstand extreme heat and storms, on the other it protects the home from water damage by providing stronger insulation, keeping the inside temperature under control.

Shingle Roofing – It is regarded as a less expensive option and demands low maintenance costs. Mostly, it is made using asphalt or fiberglass that is available in varied styles and colors. Also, this type of roof can easily complement any design to impart attractive finish to a home. It lasts an average of 25 years.

Foam Roofing – Such type of roofing is highly recommended by commercial roofing companies for commercial buildings; however it also goes well with homes in which the foam roofing is sprayed on the roof to dry hard. It is recognized as a single layer of roofing that removes seams, present around flashing to block water drainage. It also offers extra layer of insulation to keep energy cost to its minimum.