How Often Should I Reseal My Flat Roof?

For homeowners or business owners with a flat roof, you’ll want to prevent roof problems before they occur. A flat roof that is maintained properly can tolerate the outside elements and protect you and your family for years to come. However, not routinely doing the maintenance can lead to expensive repairs or replacement.

A part of flat roof maintenance is to reseal. Having your flat roof resealed safeguards it’s durability and integrity by keeping it waterproofed and insulated. Overlooking this important step in maintaining your flat roof, can result in leaks and other damage.

Every 5-7 years is the average timeframe to reseal a roof in order to maintain it’s durability.

Signs your flat roof needs to be resealed:

  1. Cracks or Splits: Observe for cracks or splits on the roof. This indicates that the coating is failing and vulnerable to leaks.
  2. Pooled Water: After a rainstorm, if there is a pool of water on your roof for a couple of days, it’s possible the sealant has weakened and no longer has it’s durability to protect from leaks.
  3. Bubbles: When the waterproof layer is no longer together, the trapped moisture causes bubbles.
  4. Discoloration: The harsh UV rays cause discoloration and the coating to become thin.
  5. Peeling: The roof needs to be resealed when there is peeling or flaking.

If you see any of these signs, Almeida Roofing Inc. can help! Our roofers who specialize in flat roofs, are ready to inspect, maintain, repair, or replace your roof. Whatever you need, Almeida Roofing Inc. is just a phone call away!


Foam Roofing

Have you thought about foam roofing for your Phoenix, Arizona home? As Arizonians, we look for anyway to cool down during the long summer months. Whether it’s spending hours in the pool or sitting in front of a fan all day, we will do whatever we can. Fortunately, there are ways of cooling our homes down and one of those is foam roofing.  

What is Foam Roofing? 

Foam roofing is the process of spraying a commonly flat roof with a Polyurethane Foam that expands about 20x to cover the entire roof. The foam thickens and solidifies to create a waterproof barrier.  

What is the Foam Roofing installation process like?  

  1. Roof prep includes clearing debris and gravel. 
  1. From a machine inside the truck, the hose will be connected to include the spray gun at the end. 
  1. The roofer will bring the spray gun alongside the house and onto the roof to begin the spray foam process. 
  1. For the first layer, the Polyurethane foam will be sprayed. 
  1. The second layer will be a base coat of paint.  
  1. Following the second layer will be the white topcoat.   

What are the benefits of Foam Roofing? 

  • Lightweight 
  • Durable 
  • Seamless  
  • Waterproof  
  • Seals against leaks, watertight 
  • Energy Efficient  
  • Extend the light of your HVAC unit 
  • Reduces heat 
  • Easy to install 
  • Easy to maintain  
  • Renewable 
  • Protects against UV Rays 

If you’re interested in foam for your roof, call the roof experts at Almeida Roofing Inc. We have the crew to do any job, big or small.

For more information, check out our website or give us a call at 602-743-3175

What does the roofer look at during inspection? 

We always talk about how important it is to get your roof inspection done routinely but what does it include? That is a fair question considering you’re paying the guy right! No matter what type of roof you have, maintenance and inspections really are important. But let us go ahead and answer your question to help put your mind at ease… 

The roofer will be looking at all the following roofing material to ensure the condition and integrity is at it should be.  

  • Soffits, Fascia, and Drip Edges 
  • Gutters 
  • Flashings  
  • Tiles 

While the inspector is making sure all the roofing materials are in good shape, they’ll also be checking the roof penetration points. The inspector will ensure these areas are properly sealed to avoid any water damage. As they’re checking the points, they’ll be on the lookout for any other holes or roof damage. As well as the roof, they’ll go into the attic to verify there isn’t any damage. If they find anything that needs to be repaired or replaced, they’ll show you and provide options.  

For routine roof inspections, your friends at Almeida Roofing can help! We have the roofing specialists ready to get on any roof. Steep or flat, they’ll inspect your roof with the utmost care all while having a smile on their face. Almeida Roofing wants to make sure you’re satisfied but to most importantly, make sure you have a strong roof over your head. Call to schedule a roof inspection today! 602-743-3175