Foam Roofs have been around for decades! And they can last just as long. Foam Roofs can last up to 30 years!
Foam Roofs are designed to seal against leakage. The spray foam can stop any moisture from entering the roof. This can reduce risk of bacteria build up and molding. Foam Roofs are energy efficient!
The Polyurethane material used insulates the air to a cooler temperature. Research shows your AC costs may be reduced by up to 30%.
In some cases, Foam Roofs can get cracks or small impacts. Repairs are done by cutting around the designated area that is damaged, letting the area dry out, and then filling the hole with sealant. If there is a possible crack in your Foam Roof, leakage will still not come through because of the remaining foams cell properties being enclosed.
Foam Roofs are some of the most affordable options. It is a great alternative for reliability without breaking the bank. Foam Roofs are also durable and cost cutting for energy efficiency.
There are many variables that affect cost. Roof size, and warranty length play a role as well. Contact us for more details!
Foam Roof Installers
We professionally install foam roofs with pressurized big gallon tanks. These tanks are heated up and transported through a hose that will be used by the installer.
Once all the materials are ready, a professional installer will use a spray gun that is connected to the hose. Very simple and easy process for Almeida Roofing!
Foam Roofing Repair In Phoenix
In some cases, Foam Roofs can get cracks or small impacts. Repairs are done by cutting around the designated area that is damaged, letting the area dry out, and then filling the hole with sealant.
If there is a possible crack in your Foam Roof, leakage will still not come through because of the remaining foams cell properties being enclosed.
Almeida Roofing (602)-743-3175
Call us for more information and for a FREE estimate!