Top questions to ask a roofer prior to hiring them
Do you need roof services but don’t currently have a trusted roofing contractor in your contact list? You could do a quick search on Google, “roof contractor near me” and go for the first one you see. However, if you end up hiring a shady contractor who stole all your money and left an unfinished roof, you must take some responsibility. The first step in getting your roof repaired or replaced is investing time in researching, asking the right questions, and ultimately finding the right contractor.
After researching various roofing companies in your area, narrow it down to one contractor who seems to check most of the boxes just based on their online presence. How does their website look? Is it user-friendly and informative? Do they have any social media pages? Are they active in responding? What is their Google rating and what do the reviews say? This is a good place to start with everything being online nowadays.
Schedule an appointment with the roof specialist to collect more information. You’ll want to know what skills they have, what their process is, and what they guarantee. Ask these questions before hiring a roofing contractor for repair or replacement.
- Gather all the company’s information. Full company name, physical address, and point of contact. If there isn’t a physical address, my advice would be to try another company. A company with no physical address raises concerns. Using their full information during web searches will help you find potential red flags, if any.
- Ask about their insurance. If this is a legit roofing company, they will have workers’ compensation and liability insurance to protect the homeowner if an accident happens.
- Request to see their licenses. Depending on your location, certain licenses may be required before they can perform work on your roof. Also, ensure they have a valid business license that is current.
- What is the warranty? The materials can be covered under the manufacturer warranty but ask the contractor if they include a labor warranty also.
- How long have you been in business? This can help determine how much experience they have. If they’ve been in business for a while, they’ll have lots of customer references you can ask for.
- Will my yard be protected? As a homeowner myself, I wouldn’t want a contractor doing a job for me and creating another job for me to fork out money on. Ask them what steps they’ll take to ensure your yard and outside of the home don’t get damaged. If an accident does occur, how do they plan to fix it?
Almeida Roofing Inc. would love to answer any questions you have on or off this list. Not only do we enjoy educating people on their roofs, but we’d also appreciate the opportunity to be of service to your roof! Our roofing specialists are ready to take your call anytime at 623-743-3175.