How do you maintain a Foam Roof?

Having a planned out maintenance routine is wise for any type of roof. For spray foam roofs, it is very important to stay on top of maintenance, even though the foam is very durable. The goal is to take hold of the small issues that may lead eventually to bigger issues. The foam will break down after a while in the sun. If this remains unaddressed, the foam will eventually burn away. As for winter season, excessive winds can cause debris that may damage the roof. This will lead to more issues which may include a whole new repair.

When is the best time to Maintain?

The best time to maintain a foam roof would be early in the year during spring time or during the late fall close to the end of the year. This is recommended due to the weather conditions that may occur in the summer and winter. Having a foam roof installed during these times helps the new roof be prepared for weather change. It is also good to do inspections during the spring and fall months to ensure the roof is in a good state. Also, make sure an inspection is done following a roof AC repair to make sure the roof is in good shape.

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